01-01-2018 15:55
01-01-2018 15:55
I live in the continental United States, I work in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Why can't my Blaze realize that I want English as the language even though Spanish is the main language in Puerto Rico? I cannot seem to get the settings right. Especially, since the Fitbit company thinks Spanish is the only language on the island (Ok, it is a 95% Spanish - 5% English split, but . . .)
I fight with these setting every time I travel back and forth.
Also, the Fitbit cannot realize where it is to set the time automatically. It does not recognize the Atlantic Time Zone. Really?
And since I am **ahem**ing, why Fitbit will you not let me input the city I live in back in Colorado? Wheat Ridge (A real city in Colorado!) is NOT a choice for my personal information for City in the state. If you are going to force a drop down box selection, how's about you include ALL Colorado cities?
01-01-2018 18:09
01-01-2018 18:09
Fitbit does not try to have every city/town in the world, but tried to have a city in every timezone/DST settings.
Find a city that is in your timezone with the same DAY settings.
As for auto timezone switching. The tracker does not know where you are but depends on the phone to set it slurring the last sync.. This means you will have to wait for the next scheduled sync, or open the app and force it.
Do you have your location set for United States.
In app tap
Your name
Go here for web settings, tap country