05-11-2016 08:24
05-11-2016 08:24
05-11-2016 08:40
05-11-2016 08:40
Hi, @amytaylorgj! It should be the exact opposite. If you wear the tracker on your non-dominant wrist, you will gesture/use your hand less and the dominant setting is used to minimize the tracker's sensitivity. So, switch both and you should be all set. Out of curiousity, why are you trying to undercount steps? There are other things you can do, too.
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05-20-2016 17:35
05-20-2016 17:35
Wait, let me understand this. My HR is set to my non dominant because I wear it on my right wrist. My Blaze is set to my dominant because i use it as a watch on my left wrist. (not together, I switch off)
My HR tracks all automatically, while today being my first day of wearing it all day, did not auto track my walk with my dogs (HR is to the tee). I had to manually enter it, which I was not happy about.
So you are saying that even though I wear the Blaze on the dominant hand, for it to auto track more easily, it should be set to non dominant? If so, that has solved my problem.
Please get back to me. Thanks so much!!