07-14-2019 16:29
07-14-2019 16:29
Who was the bright spark that came up with the Sleep Score which is an arbitrary number that does not take into consideration a person’s circumstances and health conditions. It should have been an opt in as i have been under medical care for some 15+ years and my psychiatrist and psychologist are happy when I get 6.5 hours sleep which your arbitrary number rates as not good. 20 years of insomnia and PTSD from years of service on the front line and to have some arbitrary number now causing me stress and anxiety because i am not “normal” so i get rated as poor or sometimes fair when comparatively to my worst I am sleeping excellent so you telling me otherwise is disgusting. Compared to sleeping 1-2 hours a night due to nightmares of reliving being shot at, stabbed and other times I almost died or the times I watched others dying around me, I was doing excellent but you dont think so. Now theyre back because of the duress and anxiety of your arbitrary numbers which i cant remove from seeing. My ex wife holds a PhD in neuroscience and one of her thesis was in sleep research and you guys have no clue what youre doing when it comes to sleep. Thanks a lot. I’ve now started researching alternative manufacturers after 5+ years of using your product because of this stupidity.
07-14-2019 19:19
07-14-2019 19:19
Hi, you can edit your sleep goals in the app. Default value is 8 hours.
07-15-2019 03:34
07-15-2019 03:34
Agree 100%. This number means nothing to me as I am aiming for a number of hours per week. If they want to give a sleep score per night is fine but give the average for the week as hours and minutes or at the very least the option to choose which you would prefer. Fairly sure you can’t set a sleep goal based on the ‘sleep score’ so how are you supposed to know if you’ve reached the set goal weekly
07-15-2019 06:27 - edited 07-15-2019 06:27
07-15-2019 06:27 - edited 07-15-2019 06:27
The dashboard already does show weekly average. And your weekly progress email lists your average for the week as well. And where is this sleep score you speak of?
09-04-2019 04:04
09-04-2019 04:04
Guess I am lucky I just got this dumb feature. Now I have to click into the app to see details that were right in the main page in the past. The graph replaced by a huge waste of space with a circle and a number in it. Any way to put things back the wary they have been for years?
09-04-2019 04:43
09-07-2019 15:34
09-07-2019 15:34
Agreed. The sleep “score” should be an optional feature. It is not valuable information and is an overall irritant. I can’t seem to find any response from anyone from Fitbit. Has anyone found any feedback from the company?
09-08-2019 09:48
09-08-2019 09:48
Yeah...well due to the rash thing from the original strap I stopped wearing it while sleeping so.....
Bottom line is this does a decent job keeping track of my steps and it keeps decent time as well.
09-11-2019 23:34
09-11-2019 23:34
I agree- it adds nothing. And on the sleep record screen it has replaced the weekly average historical stat with zero for each week. Please sort this FB.
09-29-2019 08:03
09-29-2019 08:03
Since the inception of this new feature, I have been trying to understand what metrics are been used to determine the sleep score results. To me, it doesn’t make any sense that after having slept for 8 hours and 7 minutes last night that I get a “poor sleep “ score. I now feel refreshed and energized. Therefore, from now on I will be ignoring the score because scientifically, it doesn’t make any sense. I would not worry much about it. Both my psych and physical endurance are the best indicators of my wellbeing.
09-29-2019 08:36
09-29-2019 08:36
09-29-2019 10:58
09-29-2019 10:58
On the sleep tile, click on any sleep session that shows a score. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "learn more about sleep score". Doesn't require a "premium account".
09-29-2019 13:07
09-29-2019 13:07
10-21-2019 19:00
10-21-2019 19:00
Couldn't agree more. The removal of average weekly sleep hours in lieu of the new "sleep score" is absurd. How this "enhancement" made it into the product is beyond me...and whoever is responsible needs to really rethink their day job.
10-21-2019 19:02
10-21-2019 19:02
12-14-2019 06:12
12-14-2019 06:12
Sleep score reminds me of a mean teacher I could never please.
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Blaming an app for stress and anxiety is bloody ridiculous, if it cause you that much stress then just dont wear the FitBit, it really is that simple.
And thousands of people have served on the frontline buddy, but they are not on here complaining about a sleep score.
Moderator edit: word choice
Wow, just........wow
01-04-2020 14:20
01-04-2020 14:20
I agree, it’s a useless and annoying feature. I can’t figure out how they come up with the score. Today I got over 10 hours of sleep with over 1.5 hours deep sleep and over 3.5 hours of REM, which received a “fair” score. Then I’ll get 6 hours overall and next to zero deep sleep and somehow the score is “good”! Please get rid of this useless and flawed feature!
01-04-2020 14:21 - edited 01-04-2020 14:34
01-04-2020 14:21 - edited 01-04-2020 14:34
Dumb new feature - can't even get to the explanation of what it means as directed on this thread. Have no idea what the score means when my "benchmark" percentages are well above everyone else my age. While speaking of benchmarks, what about the weight of the person as well as the age? I would think this would make a great deal of difference.
01-08-2020 08:13
01-08-2020 08:13
The weekly 'average' is based on only the days which are actually given a sleep score. So if you sleep badly for 6 days in the week and sleep well for 1 night, you could be given a high average score for the week because the average only included the 1good night. This really is rubbish. Come on guys, surely you can regress this?