03-19-2016 09:20
03-19-2016 09:20
03-19-2016 13:20
03-19-2016 13:20
If the tracker detects that you woke up, like if you got up to go to the bathroom, it will do that. There is nothing that you can do to change that. Sorry.
03-19-2016 13:33
03-19-2016 13:33
03-19-2016 15:06
03-19-2016 15:06
03-19-2016 19:17
03-19-2016 19:17
03-19-2016 19:25
03-19-2016 19:25
I too have noticed that if im awake too long it will break my sleep up. Either way i was awake.
03-20-2016 02:16
03-20-2016 02:16
Happens every now and then to me too. Other times thgough it keeps it all as one "sleep" even when disrupted by what appears to be the same time awake. A bit weird
03-20-2016 12:26
03-20-2016 12:26
04-10-2016 06:22
04-10-2016 06:22
You're not alone, this has happened to me twice in the past week.