07-25-2016 08:04 - edited 07-25-2016 08:04
07-25-2016 08:04 - edited 07-25-2016 08:04
The weight goal on the Fitbit application (iOS) is displayed as X lost since base date.
the in formation is displayed on the web dashboard as Y to go till goal
Naturally both information is correct, but just looking at the screen, seeing a different number is confusing.
07-30-2016 05:14
07-30-2016 05:14
Hi there @blapath, good to see you around in our Community. Indeed, note the App was design to have your data on the go by keeping it simple and with a swift access. On the contrary the Web based Dashboard will provide you more detail data about your weight as the amount of pounds you have lost plus your current weight by hovering on top of the tile while in your app will let you know how much pounds you have to loose to reach your goal.
However you can always share your feedback and your ideas in our Feature Request board. If you find that a similar suggestion has already been made by another member of the community, you can vote for their idea and add your comments.
Hope this helps and keep me posted if you have further questions.
"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” What's Cooking?
09-18-2016 08:35
09-18-2016 08:35
Yes, I am aware that the applictaion and the web based display has different capabilities. But I am talking about standard display. Consistency is very important and helps users (us) to understand the displayed data. Therefore both should display information in the same way when opening it. You can add extra display form in web: current weight; weight lot; weight need to lose till goal and others. But the basic display should be the some both in the application and the web. Otherwise, going from one to the other (for intance using web while near a PC and the application somewhere else), confuses me, as suddenly I see a totally different numebr.
I don't think it is a feature request. I think it is bugs which should be fixed