01-06-2018 02:27
01-06-2018 02:27
I just changed my surge for a blaze. My surge used to connect to Satalite and map my run without taking a phone does the blaze do the same?
01-06-2018 02:32
01-06-2018 02:32
No, the Blaze doesn't have GPS built in like the Surge but it does have the ability to link with your phone's GPS. There's more information on how this works here: https://help.fitbit.com/articles/en_US/Help_article/1874/
01-06-2018 02:51
01-06-2018 02:51
Thanks for reply Steve, gutted i didnt realise that when fit bit sent it to me as a replacement because they run out of surge. I dont have a phone that connect and really had great use of the GPS on my surge.
Thanks for your help though.