05-11-2023 15:10
05-11-2023 15:10
Hi guys, so I have just been driving along and then glanced at my watch and it was showing a Hr reading of 134. I had just been out of car previously about 2 mins beforehand but only to nip to my friends doorstep. Not a 134 hr warranted nip. Also I didn’t feel my HR was pounding. Surely if I was just driving I would feel it ? It alarmed me so I pulled over ready to check my HR with an iPhone pulse tracker by time I pulled over 30 seconds later and got my phone it it was down to 85 🤷🏻:female_sign: I have looked on Fitbit app on the zone minutes feature the spike shows at 22.15. but if I click on the resting heart rate graph there it says at 22.15 my heart rate was 98 which one is right ? It also which I only realised from checking zone minutes shows a spike at 2.05am of 134 again and on HR tab shows as 99. Seems very strange. I was awake at 2.05 with my son who was acting awful but again wouldn’t I have thought wow my hearts hammering ? I haven’t had any problems till today it’s seemed very accurate. Could the charge possibly be picking up a palpitation or anything like that ?
05-12-2023 08:59
05-12-2023 08:59
Mine has become so erratic that also carry a HR/Oz Finger Sensor. The Charge 5 is wrong frequently which was causing me some anxiety. This is it for me. I'm on about my 5th or 6th "Charge" version/unit. Today I'd dealing with the broken strap (3 months old). When this warranty runs out......... I'm done with Fitbit. So is my wife. She is usually sporting the newest Fitbit version. She's had constant issues with the ones she has has as well. What's really sorry is........ the 50.00 H56b I have on right now - I've never had a single problem.
05-12-2023 14:01
05-12-2023 14:01