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Fitbit app Update is terrible

The latest app update for my charge 5 is just awful. Not only is the layout impossible - not remotely intuitive or user friendly, all the data is off - it won’t log my sleep correctly anymore (usually says I slept 2 hours or no hours at all when I slept 7). Resting HR is messed up. 

I’ve worn Fitbit Charge for a few years and have had ever version since version 2. But if there’s not a fix soon, I’ll be tossing this thing and going to another brand altogether. This does absolutely nothing at all to meet my purpose in wearing it. Major QA fail this update! And major thumbs down on the design 


Seems like they didn’t both beta testing it at all before the release! I’ve
loved Fitbit for 5 years now and haven’t been tempted to look elsewhere but
I sure am now. My sleep and HR are all messed up too. And they’ve had
plenty of time to fix the glitch since the update - almost seems like this
is what it is going to be!

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109 REPLIES 109

Basically unusable as far as I'm concerned. I mean why bother if things are no longer visually understandable? Have to struggle to try to make sense of data. Junk.

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You said it better!

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The sleep format has now changed from something that was easy to use,
bright, colourful and pleasant on the eye to something dull, clumsy,
unattractive to look at and cumbersome. Reading the Benchmark part doesn't
make sense there it only shows the percentage for the actual sleep you had
and a block for the benchmark that means nothing to me! There was nothing
wrong with Fitbit before but Google have ruined it in my opinion. When my
watch is done, I won't be replacing it with another of their products. I'm
very disappointed.
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The sleep format has changed from something that is easy to use, bright, colourful and pleasing on the eye, to something dull, clumsy, unattractive to look at and cumbersome. The benchmark part doesn’t make much sense anymore, giving one set of percentages. There was nothing wrong with Fitbit before but Google have ruined it in my opinion. When my watch is done I’ll be done with this product. I’m so disappointed.

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Agreed!!! :hundred_points:!  I’ve used Fitbit for over a decade but I’m now shopping for a new brand.  The sleep data is worthless.  My auto recognized exercise is wrong and there’s no way to correct it.  I hate the lack of color.  It’s infuriating.

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The changes are terrible.  

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It will soon be time for me to replace this Fitbit. I’ve bought 4 consecutive Fitbits and never thought of looking for anything else. Now? With these horrible changes they foisted on us? You betcha I’ll shop for a better product than what they turned this into! Way to dump brand loyalty in your longtime customers, Fitbit! Maybe it’s a plot by Google to get us to shop elsewhere. If so, you win, Google. 

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This new version of the app is simply terrible. I’m seriously considering dumping Fitbit and going on to Garmin. The old app was fine, this is dreadful 

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I hate the downgraded upgraded Sleep App more and more every day.



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Me too.  I wake up and get pissed off.  Not what I’m looking for in a fitness app.

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My view entirely

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My view completely.

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Yeah... and now the FitBit dashboard is now blank!  My understanding is that this might be related to the transition from FitBit to Google.  One more reason to be passed off!

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Sure. I didn't do the swap to Google and it sounds as if that was a good decision.

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I haven't moved to Google either. I think FitBit is slowly forcing people to make the change.  I'm not too happy about that.

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Sent from my iPhone
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Sent from my iPhone
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Hmmmm...maybe thus is Fitbit's way of getting us to pay for premium? Force us to upgrade?

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I have premium. Still terrible.

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I agree with above comments plus it won't recognize swimming (calls it sport).  Recommendation I received is to do it manually.  That is not a solution, it is a workaround.  It is also not easy to do when in the pool with non-prescription glasses on.

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