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Charge 6 not tracking pace or mileage

Today I just noticed that the mileage on my fitbit is not being tracked. The device still counts steps just fine, but it says I have walked 0 miles.


Furthermore, if i start and activity such as a walk or run, it says my pace is 0’00”, and the mileage of course remains 0 even if I walk a significant amount. 


I have tried turning bluetooth off and back on, fully disconnecting and reconnecting the watch, doing a device restart, etc. Nothing is working. 


Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

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I have the same issue and tried every option and nothing is working. Even manual run entries dont track - I have 10k steps and ran 3 miles this morning and its still tracking .3 miles???? This is very disappointing since I just upgraded to a Charge 6

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I've had the same problem actually two devices since July 17. After hours on customer support, I was told my Charge 5 is probably broken and was sent a coupon for 1/2 off the Charge 6. And now I have the same problem with the Charge 6. Has anyone been able to get this escalated to a level 2 tech on the customer support line?

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I having the same issues for 2 months now. 

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I've had this issue for a week now - while runs (with GPS on) measure correctly, the distance and pace for walking just doesn't work

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Happening with my charge 6 as well. I tried all the troubleshooting suggested and it is still not tracking mileage or pace. 

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Same issue has been happening with mine for the past few weeks. Steps being counted but pace when walking or running sits at 0, there's been moments where it logs an average pace very inaccurately. Could be a dodgy firmware update? Fitbit need to be responding more to this.

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This has been going on since July so the lack of response and / or fix implies to me that Fitbit and Google don't care.  At the very least they don't seem to care about the people who own a Charge tracker since this is an issue on both the 5 and 6.  I wonder if this would already be fixed if it was on a more expensive trackers.



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I am having similar issues.  I walk the same 5 kms every day. Lately it shows a pace for the first km only.  Nothing else is showing.  

Also the distance shown changes daily and ranges from 4.8 to 5.4 kms. Something has changed with Fitbit.  It used to reliable and useful and now it isn’t.  My current Fitbit ( my fifth ) is relatively new after I replaced it when my prior one bricked after an update. 

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Just started happening to me on Sunday. I was in a 5K and the phone app showed 3.2 miles and my Fitbit showed 0.02 miles.  I tried all the fixes that are on these boards and nothing works.  Amazing how a company can not be able to fix this issue for over 2 months.  Looks like its time to move on to another company.  

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Update:  I chatted with Fitbit today and was told: "They are aware of the issue and expect a fix in two weeks".  I find that hard to believe as the first incident in these boards was in August.  Time will till if this thing is bricked or not.

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That's very interesting.  Thanks for the info.

However, considering the lack of attention and urgency they showed in this issue, even if they do fix the issue, this is probably my last Fitbit.  Not even going to entertain getting another Fitbit or Google product - ever.

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My (6 month old) Charge 6 started having this issue this past week.  It seems like 10/20 and there is still a problem after months of complaints?  I'm paying for premium too.  WTF.

You know, it's so great that Google has really leaned hard into being a **ahem** monopoly.  They are obsessed with cramming pointless AI integration in search while their PAYING customers languish with neglected devices.  I saw SO MANY Fit bit ads this past year on YouTube as well.  Like, HELLO!? They shovel money into advertising, basically paying themselves to advertise their monopolized products on YouTube.   The FTC should break up these MFers.  They are straight F***ed. Meanwhile, there are probably STILL thousands of Bay Area mouth breathers collecting $500,000/year salaries to push emails around and work 20 hours a week.

Should have gone with Garmin.  Not holding my breath on this one being fixed. 

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0 Votes

Deja Vu for me. My Charge 6 is back to not counting steps correctly. Just started again two days ago. I give up. There is no point in trying to report this because literally nothing has been done in months and months.

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I see i'm not alone in this. My Charge 6 is 4 months old and it stopped tracking accurate mileage last week . I have tried all the problem solving steps mentioned above to no avail . If not resolved soon. I'm jumping ship . Can you say " Apple " ? 

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This is she started up for me a few days ago. I just saw the workaround for the stride link so I’m trying that. Super frustrated as I did over 11 miles of hiking today and none of it was tracked other than the step count. And of course, my warranty of one year literally expired six days ago. Very disappointing to see from this thread it’s been a known issue for months and still no fix. To echo a lot of folks here, I do not think I’ll be going with Fitbit for my next device. Apple Watch it will be!

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Waoh!! 2 weeks?? the meantime what happens to tracking our exercises

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Without using GPS, my app doesn't have an entry for distance, without distance there is no place. 

While using GPS, I get both data. I've also noticed that the app still posts the calculated daily distance

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Welcome to 2025. The issue still seems to persist. @support  what happened with the promise that the issue is fixed within two weeks?

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And this was back in September just for reference.

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