03-18-2024 03:22
03-18-2024 03:22
I just did a two hour hike, and none of it got tracked. It tracked my 20,000 steps, however, my route, my pace, my vigourous and other zones, nothing got tracked. Really considering ditching the Fitbit now entirely and getting an Apple Watch.
03-18-2024 05:23
03-18-2024 05:23
Hello @odeansa9 and welcome to the Community. Can you add some details. please? Did you use the Exercise app on your Charge 6 with the Hike shortcut? Did your GPS connect before you started your hike? Did you see your summary on your Charge 6 screen when you ended your hike?
Laurie | Maryland
Sense 2, Luxe, Aria 2 | iOS | Mac OS
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