Tap to Recalibrate/Zero

You should add a feature to the Aria where people can trigger the recalibration process by tapping the scale before stepping on. The reason this is needed is a lot of people can't, or won't, leave the scale sitting out in the same spot and it gets leaned up against a wall or put away in a cabinet after each use. Because of the this the tare/zero setting from the prior weigh-in is lost, but the Aria isn't smart enough to detect that and so it reports their weight, and body fat %, incorrectly for one or more weigh-ins. By adding a simple tap before stepping on to trigger the recalibration, "Sensing", "Step off", "Thinking" process, it would allow people that move the Aria to tell the Aria that it needs to recalibrate itself.


Of course, another option is to make the Aria smart enough to do it itself, but that seems to be a problem. It appears, and probably rightly so, that your engineers found that you get the best calibration by having the persons full weight on the scale prior to zeroing it hence the "Sensing", "Step off", "Thinking" process. Once that has been done it displays the weight as soon as you step on, and doesn't want to "change" that once you step off and it notices that it was wrong.


The last option would be to always go through the calibration process, meaning it never shows a weight until after you have stepped off. This would make the weigh-in process take a little longer but I think would provide more accurate and consistent results. (This could even be an option someone could enable in their scale settings.)

Moderator edit: Added labels.


I am very supportive of this idea.  As an Aria owner that moves their scale around regularly, it is annoying to have to get an inaccurate reading before the scale realizes it needs to reset the zero point.


Tapping the scale before stepping on is a much better idea. I had to do this on my previous scale and it is so much easier, quicker and more consistant than having to re-weigh yourself 4 times in a row each morning which is time consuming and very irritating. I would much prefer this. 


I certainly agree.

First Steps

Sounds good.  Could this be done as an update? 

Base Runner

And do remember that smart devices are smart because they allow for configuration OPTIONS.  If I WANT to be able to trigger calibration on demand--why not give me the option to do so?

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

This is an awesome idea! I like this idea especially since the Aria recalibrates itself if it is moved between measurements or stored on its side, and being able to manually zero out the scale may help with this recalibration process.

Thanks for posting!

First Steps

I agree that zeroing may help for the main problem and appreciate the suggestions for implementing it, but it doesn't resolve the fat content measuring problem.  Here is the one star review i gave for the Aria that now is going to GoodWill - $120 wasted.


I was able to setup the scale so that it worked with my network, so no problems there.  But when i compared it with a very accurate Omron scale, the Fitbit Aria was off by as much as 9/10 of a lb.  I think the main problem is that the Aria doesn't have a way to self zero - i could be wrong but i think that's the problem.  Also, the mechanism to measure fat content is not accurate because it only goes across the legs - the Omron goes through the legs and abdomin where most of the fat problems are located.  The Omron on the other hand always zeros itself just before use.  Its too late to return it, but i will look around to see if some other wi-fi scale will do the same job accurately.


Recovery Runner

Yes, I agree with this suggestion.  While easy to set up, my Aria shows consitently 3-4 lbs over manual scale.  My wife wants this fixed, since our "old" scale is within 1 lb. from our doctor's more accurte scale.  If there is no re-calibration, we will have to return the Aria.

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, and thanks so much for sharing this suggestion! While we don’t currently have plans to release this feature, we always appreciate the passion and creativity that comes out of this Community. Since we know this idea is important to many of you, we have left voting open to continue tracking interest and will post another update if anything changes. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and your input is a big part of that process. We truly thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us.

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