24-hour "military time" clock for Inspire HR

I am loving my new Inspire HR, but I would really  love for it to have a 24-hour clock option. I have prefered using a 24 hour time clock for several years, and all of my other devices are set this way, so I would greatly appreciate that option on my Inspire HR. 


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Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Moderator Alum

Good idea, thanks for taking the time to share it with us @Cole_LynnWe look forward to hearing what other community members think about having this clock option on the Inspire HR. Robot wink

First Steps

Great idea, love 24 hr clock and use it all the time. Having Inspire Fitbit not the same is annoying even though in profile it set it up for 24hr. Thought it was a fault, must have been set that way in design 🤦‍:female_sign:

First Steps

I too would love to be able to use this with a 24 hour clock

First Steps

I think pretty much everyone outside the US would appreciate a 24 hr clock...

First Steps

Absolutely. Just bought a new Inspire HR and disappointed that there’s no 24-hour clock option. Had this on my old Charge HR so why the retrograde step? Please provide as an add-on

Keeping Pace

Pretty much the first thing I did when I got my Inspire HR this weekend was change the clock -- nothing more annoying to someone used to using 24-hour time to have the single digit PM hours display with a leading 0.


From your dashboard, go to your profile. Under Personal Settings, in the Advanced Settings section, there's a "Clock Display Time" option, where you can swap from 12-hour to 24-hour. Works like a charm.

First Steps

Have now successfully changed to 24-hour clock. There are lots of instructions on how to do this but the crucial thing is that is HAS to be done via the Fitbit website and NOT via the phone app. Weird, but at least it works

First Steps
First Steps

I concur! I see where the option has been added but I'm not sure how to get there. I also see that it can't be set via the app. Can anyone advise?

Recovery Runner

I'm using the Just Time clock face. The clock on my phone is set to 24h but the time on the Fitbit is using 12h without showing am/pm. Can we have a clock face that gives 24h clock, month day like the Just Time with and additional day of week?




Apr 16



Something like that? 

Status changed to: Existing Feature
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Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hello @ianl1427. Thanks for taking the time to share those details on the matter.


In this case you can already set the clock to show 24 hours. You can click here to read more about how to do it.


I hope to see you around the Forums.

Community Legend

This setting is not related to your tracker but will be found in the user settings on the page with the users timezone,  stroke,  choice of distance,  and choice of time readout at https://www.fitbit.com/settings/profile

This has been available for at least the last 6 years. 

I see we're also have new suggestion for the same request

Clock face with 24h display Inspire HR

First Steps

Thanks for help with this. It was strangely difficult to find, but my fitbit now shows 24 hour clock.

First Steps

Fitbit should add a 12h and a 24h setting for the fitbit inspire

Community Legend

You can change the time settings on your personal information page here - click  Just go down the page to the "Clock Display Time" and select which you want and click "Submit"


Did you try doing that? How are you trying to change it - on the app?


Welcome to the forums @SimSav2003 

5K Racer

@Cole_Lynn Please see the instructions @Rich_Laue posted.  24-Hour clock has been available on all Fitbit devices for a long time.  I only use 24 hour clock as well.  🙂

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Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @SimSav2003, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us. This feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here. Don't forget to add your vote!

First Steps

I agree, please add a 24 hour clock option!

Community Legend

@DirtyWizzard the option for 24 hour time had existed at least for the last 8 years. 

Please see @Odyssey13'd post above or  my post, also found above. Or tap on the help link, find below,  search and for the word time.

How do I change the time on my Fitbit device?

Learn how to fix the time on your Fitbit device or change from a 12 to 24 clock
First Steps

Definitely would prefer a 24hour clock


Community Legend



So let's then follow the instructions I posted immediately above your post @Peachy_dm 

First Steps
Ok, thank you I’ve got it. I don’t need any additional messages to advise me of it. I saw the first one, updated my Fitbit & now I’m good.


Derise M. Woods, MHSA
Sent from my iPhone
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Sorry fot the inconvenience @Ddubs  please go to the top of this page,  tap on the 3 dots then tap unsubscribe. Then your notifications fot this thread will be turned off. 

I was responding to @Peachy_dm @

I second the notion to have the ability to have Military Time. I am loving my new Inpire HR. Still learning all the quarks. 

Community Legend

@Truckerbobicat the option for milatary time has existed on all fitbits for at least 7-8 years,  please review the posts above. Then set your personal option

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