Able to get stress scores regardless of sleep schedule

Make the street management analysis flexible with regards to sleep schedule. Do not lock the times when someone must sleep in order to receive a stress Management score.

That, or adjust the system so we can set our daily schedule times to a different time zone without setting the watchface to said timezone.

Moderator edit: Clarified subject
Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @KopyKita, and thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about getting a stress management score regardless of the sleep schedule with us. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.

Not applicable
Remove the requirement for sleep within a specific time window for the stress management feature.
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi, thanks for sharing this suggestion about getting stress management scores for night shift workers with us. This idea was already requested in the Feature Suggestions board, so I’ve moved your post here. This will help us to keep the forums organized and make sure the suggestions don't get confused, or split a popular vote. Click on the thumbs-up to show your support.


I echo the request here, in the interest of demonstrating the degree of community interest.  I go to bed before 8p, and in 100 days of measurement, it has given me a score twice.  On those days I went to bed before 8 but not quite as much before 8.  Thank you

First Steps

The request to sleep within a certain period is just unacceptable and inconsiderate of people's work patterns and lifestyle. The people who are most stressed are people who cannot afford to sleep from 8 or 9pm so not sure what the aim of this feature is. Most parents will never be able to sleep 3 hours before 1pm and they are the most stressed so not this feature should be updated to show a score regardless of sleep patterns. The less you sleep and the later you go to bed the more stressed you are so the score should reflect everyone's experience not just those who are fortunate to sleep 8-10 hours a day!

I have a fitbit sense and it's the worst fitbit I've ever had. You should mention in description the requirements for certain features to work!!!


I think this is more of a bug than a feature - it's discriminatory.


I posted about it in another forum as such but it doesnt feel like this is being taken seriously.


Why should this thread need to get votes and become popular before it's shared with people who can do something about it? This is a moral issue.

First Steps

I echo the issue with 3rd shift. Work 10p to 6a EST and sleep 7a to normally 2p or 3p. This is just outside the sleep window and does not give me a score. 


Please, please, please do this!! I work at Walmart on overnights. Typically sleep between 10am-10pm so I never get the advantages of this feature and as my workplace can be very stressful I am disappointed that I can’t use this!!!


Like what others said. This is bias/discriminatory to those who work graveyard hours or who need to sleep in early for early morning shifts.

Even more upsetting that this is a premium feature and there is no way to even adjust the timeframe for the sleep requirement. If the requirement is to sleep between 8pm and 1pm next day, just let us allow to rotate the time to something like 6pm and 11am.


Even the guided sleep sessions would suggest some people to sleep in before 8pm to get 'more sleep' if they need to wake up early for work. So if one is trying to better their sleep quality, unfortunately they're no longer going to see how it will 'improve' their stress score anymore because they'd need to start sleeping before 8pm.


Nowhere in the guide also mentions why this is needed, if it's because this is the normal time-frame for the human circadian rhythm, fine so be it. But at least explain that much so we don't have to dig around for answers for this feature. It's the only reason I can rationalize why this is kept between 8pm and 1pm.

First Steps

PLEASE implement this change!! I work graveyard shift, and typically sleep from 7am to 3pm if possible. I would really like to be able to use this feature and I don’t understand the purpose of disabling it for folks who have a different sleep schedule than the norm. Very annoying!!!


I keep coming back to this thread to see if anyone is going to do anything about it. I have been checking since the “feature” was implemented because it is completely unusable for me. Like so many others, I am on a different sleep schedule. I go to sleep around 5am & don’t wake up until 2 or 3pm. Making the feature only function for someone who sleeps during certain hours set by the programmers of the function is absurd. If the program only works because it needs to function during a set 17 hour window, make it so that the users are allowed to choose the 17 hour window that they want to track (like in my case being able to choose 1am as a start time & 6pm as an end time). 


I work the overnight shift at a hospital and then watch my grandchild in the mornings. I sleep 2pm to 10pm. I specifically purchased the charge 5 for its stress management feature, and cannot use it.  Regardless of my personal schedule, having this premiere feature solely orientated for day shift workers is completely antiquated.  Todays world is 24/7, and it is the night shift who bears the brunt of excessive stress due to our schedule. It is ridiculous that we cannot use the feature!

This feature needs to be adjusted to allow various sleep schedules!


According to the stress management info when I click the link for more information; unless I wear my Fitbit for at least 3 hours while I sleep between the hours of 8pm and 1pm it won't register a stress management score. This time frame needs to be adjustable for the person wearing it. I generally will not get 3 hours of sleep during that time period four days of the week, do to my working overnights. I work a ten hour shift from 9pm until 8am, it takes an hour to get home from work, then breakfast, homework, and I am lucky if I get to bed by noon. The earliest I have been able to get to bed is 11am. Can you see if you can pass this suggestion up to corporate, to see if they can get the stress management adjustable to the person's life and not according to the one set time frame of 8pm to 1pm?


Totally agree that this feature is needed. Honestly probably going to no longer pay for premium. Why pay for something specifically set up against me? We can't get stress scores, pretty sure daily readiness is the same, hourly reminders to move etc. 


It's a simple fix and they'd rather screw us over.


Just came here to upvote this idea. Us vampire types need stress management as much as if not more than anyone! Please and thank you. 

Recovery Runner

This needs to be addressed. It shouldn’t matter what your sleep schedule is. 


Work 3rd shift and got the premium just for the stress issue and sleep. Everything is 24/7 now and it would be great if Fitbit adjusted to real world

First Steps

Another vote for this -  work straight nightshift too and would like to identical feature 


So how many votes does this need before a moderator will pass this suggestion on to a team that can do something about it?  We need a way to adjust the window we need to sleep to even be able to use this feature. And looking at this thread, people WANT that. 

First Steps

Got the Fitbit mostly to track sleep and how stress affects heart rate. Would love to be able to see a stress management score and super bummed that I can't because I work night shift

Recovery Runner

Throwing my comment in to ask that this feature is implemented. I have a sleep disorder, and I need to be able to monitor stress on days where I wake up on 'my' schedule versus 'normal'.

First Steps

Got the same problem. Working night shift and still not getting the stress score.

Recovery Runner

Three years later and the status is still the same. And the issue still remains. Why let a long-standing annoyance remain?

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