Arabic SMS & other Arabic notifications unreadable

We need very small update for language unicade can support arabic letter to be read from change 3, it is very easy for big & smart company as fitbit, take it as challenge for you customers satisfaction.

 i hope to Be solve in next update

Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

First Steps

the fitbit is very big brand 

Why do not support the Arabic language? No problem for us in English, but we want to connect and the messages support in arabic because the fitbit show us quastion mark only

can make   support the arabic for masseges and contact at least

Not applicable

You can make suggestions for new features here.



Because Arabic uses a different and very complex alphabet it is a challenge to incorporate it on the devices with the amount of memory in the device. It is being worked on though.




I have a bracelet fitbit but I never used it since that purchased from 9 months, the reason is due to lack of Arabic language in the application, the proposed a while ago, but doesn't have any response. There is a large number of users bracelet fitbit in the middle East and strange that there are no Arabic language in the application is unfair to users Arabs. Don't want to support the bracelet in Arabic, we want to support the application in Arabic. Because it is through that we can deal with the application and access to the goals.

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Moderator Alum

That’s an interesting idea and could be useful for all our Arabian friends, thanks for sharing this suggestion.

First Steps

I strongly support adding arabic language support for all Fitbit products. We have strong market for health related product the only challenge would be to localize the language of fitbit products 

First Steps

Since Middle East countries are many and ypu have many customers in the middle east too, I would strongly request you to consider supporting the arabic language in all Fitbit devices. I would tell that many of them would purchase the device if having arabic language over other products like Apple Watch. 

I believe your fitness trackers are far much butter, however lacks the needed language support to reach the customer base it would targets.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated label

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Moderator Alum

That’s an interesting idea and could be useful, thanks for sharing this suggestion.

First Steps

I strongly agree with this idea as I have many friends in my country (Kuwait) would love to have Versa if it supports arabic language. Please pay a concern for this important issue

First Steps

It would be perfect if versa support multi language feature (also if Arabic language is available) because in my case some of my friends text me by English and the other by Arabic so when I recieve the notification the Arabic text show as question marks ????? But English are fine. It is an important feature that is available in the other top smart watch brands


Please we need Arabic Language

First Steps

please add arabic language for Versa


Any updates on this? I've just bought 3 of Fitbit Versa for my family and I'm really shocked! No Arabic support?! I'm fine with English but this won't work with the other two watches!!


Also changing the unicode to UTF-8 I don't think its something hard to do.

First Steps

It doesn't have to be for middle eastern customers who lives in ME, I live in Australia and heaps of Australian are from ME ranks 5th by number of speakers over the world before French! Shame on you fitbit supoorting language's shouldn't be fancy request it should be something that you plan and commit to provide ASAP


First Steps

Thank you for the topic.


I purchased Versa, but I’m not able to use it since the , because of the lack of ARABIC LANGUAGE.


Please support it in your OS.

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Will highly recommend adding Arabic language.  After all this should have been considered as a natural dna specification of the product considering selling in the ARAB world like any other competition 

First Steps

I just received my Versa it is really amazing, but i got really disappointed because it doesn't supporting the arabic language 😞

How can I receive my notifications? 

Please show some respect for Arabic population and add this feature 

First Steps

Please please PLEASE. I love your products and am a proud owner of a brand new Versa! But I *need* Arabic support! Please.


 We need Arabic language for notifications at least 


Recovery Runner

Even if what you said is true, most of the big names also with a limited space in market support Arabic. Further, I believe alot of Arabs already have or thinking to have Fitbit so they don't deserve at least to have thier mother language supported in your watches.


Common Fitbit, why are you so lazy? I totally suggest Fitbit to add Arabic notification support to all of their products specifically Blaze and a like. Also add Farsi and Urdu which have 99% same letters. That will add more than 300 million people to your potential market. People text in their own language not just English!

Not applicable

I've had been using fitbit for over 2 years now and I'm thinking about replacing it now because of the lack of support to arabic language

First Steps

Totally agree with this. I have a younger sister and some family members who would like to purchase some of your products but the language is kind of an obstacle. I hope this will be fixed soon. Thanks for the customer care.

First Steps

please add Arabic support asap because it's hard to use the watch like this .. I am planning to buy the apple watch, it support Arabic Heart

First Steps

Arabic notifications at the very least please, we are not asking for a complete Arabic Operating system. Just language support for notifications so that we can read messages sent to us in Arabic while Cycling or Running. The Arabic speaking population is 420million, surely Fitbit acknowledges this as a huge market...

Everyone who says; I see you're wearing the Fitbit Ionic! How is it? 

My reply is that it's great, tracks everything and works great, except I can't read most of my notifications unless someone is messaging me in English!


Moderator Edit: Formatting

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