Diet plans

It would be great if there was a new feature where Fitbit would give you a small food plan of what to try keep eating and what not to eat to help people who are on a diet and would like some help, not just with exercise, but with eating as well. 

It would take some of your average exercise data, weight, age, etc. and create a personalised plan for a diet to help you become even healthier, ecspecially with food working out which foods we should be eating to maintain our shape or get into better shape. It could also factor in eating habits and health issues such as over-eating, lack of eating, anxiety over eating, etc. to design a diet more relatable to you with goals that are more in your range and more likely to be achieved.



Moderator edit: Labels

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Nice suggestion, thanks for sharing. We look forward to hearing what other community members think.

Recovery Runner

Good morning,


I would like to propose you my idea for a new section in FitBit website for the creation of daily diets for all users who request it, with related foods, macro, caloris count and monitoring for the whole process of weight loss or mass period.

The idea would be to have a specialist who, daily, enter food for registered users and who, by payment (premium), make a request, checking first of all their clinical situation and aims.

This would cost less for users than going "physically" from a nutritionist, and it would be more profitable for the FitBit company.


The only information requested from users would be:
 - aims
 - indications on health status and evident clinical cases
 - initial measurements and pliconometry (which the user will have to measure week by week, providing a plicometer and tape measure in homage to all those who sign up for the program)
 - indications of favorite foods, products / brands, etc.
 - counting the daily calories consumed on sport days and on rest days (in order to have a daily diet based on calories burned ... specially created the day before sport or rest).


I have an idea about the name of this new Fitbit function: My FitBit Nutritionist.



Thanks again for your attention.

Best regards,
Viviana Meraglia


Moderator Edition: Update title for clarity

Recovery Runner
Diet/eating habits is a major contributing factor to cardiovascular health. Add some settings to the profile (eg. diet type: standard western, vegetarian, vegan, etc; avg alcohol intake) that can allow correlation of these factors with resting heart rate and VO2max. Lots of people are asking what's the best diet for them or to lose weight.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @TryHeartr, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to see different diets on the Fitbit app. Thanks for sharing your feedback. I've moved it into a similar request.  A lot of users are asking for this option, I hope we receive updates soon

Not applicable

I kind of had the same idea the Fitbit app is amazingly involved and has a ton of great stuff but I have chronic kidney disease and type 2 diabetes and somehow I have to find a diet plan that works for both of those so if maybe somebody could add a diet plan for chronic kidney disease that would be awesome. 😃

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