Add soccer/football to the exercise shortcuts list

Hi Guys,

Right now there are only a handful of modes and exercising which is very limited. Putting stuff in generic workout does not provide anywhere near accuarate results. E.g. I could be doing a home workout with pauses between reps and sets or I could be running flat out playing football/soccer .. The results should be very different.

I'd like to see Football/Soccer, Squash, Tennis, Cross country. Skiing and Snow shoeing, Rock Climbing Golf and any others you could add, seriously people love choices and the more the merrier.



Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated label



Recovery Runner

I totally agree.  I would like to add cross country skiing, rowing, and even shoveling to the activity shortcut.   It seems like this would be a simple feature to add.

First Steps

I second the suggestion to add skating! And/or maybe a feature to add a customized workout with tips for choosing the right characteristics (i.e. aerobic vs. anaerobic or intervals) for less common workouts like shoveling snow.

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Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

That’s an interesting idea and could be useful, thanks for sharing this suggestion.

First Steps
I also would like to see more options such as Kayak, Canoe etc.
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Not applicable

That’s an interesting idea and could be useful, thanks for sharing this suggestion

First Steps

Rollerskating would be so nice.

First Steps

Please add 

Core training


into the available list of workouts


First Steps

need to add nustep and arm bike

Pace Setter

Please include aerobics, trampoline, boxing or Zumba as an exercise shortcut. 

Recovery Runner

Yes I love to have more options. Pleas ad roller skates. Now I have to use a other app for tracking mij roller skating workout. 

Pace Setter

Jump rope would also be another good addition.


Would be lovely to be able to track specific classes suck as body pump, Zumba, glo fit instead of using a generic workout option 


Such as not suck as aha  


I agree that the number of exercises needs to be increased from the paltry 7.  In addition, there are not nearly enough exercise types to choose from and some of the omissions (such as rowing) are glaring.  I just purchased the Iconic and am extremely disappointed by the limited exercise types.  Apple, Garmin, Polar etc. all offer a significant number of exercises to choose from.  It appears that only 21 people have commented on this issue, but I did see comments elsewhere so I am certain that there are a number of FitBit users that would like to see additional types.  


Tha calorie count for Insanity beach body workouts isn't accurate.  Kind of a bummer as I just bought my Versa.


Moderator edit: Format.

First Steps

Please add Zumba as a shortcut too!! I hate having to edit the web browser because app still crashes when you try and edit it through there.


This is a major short coming in Fitbit in an otherwise very nice product.. We have half a dozen sports types! Fitbit pales in comparison to the competition.

We need roller blading, I would like to add Ice Hockey, and maybe a  general workout, the name of which the user could change.

This a major issue! Had I known the lack of different sports types I would not have bought the Fitbit Ionic... Even if it is otherwise very nice. 

Recovery Runner

This thread was started in April 2017 , it seems like it would be such an easy implementation.   It's unfortunate this improvement hasn't been done yet. 

First Steps

I would like Crossfit to be added to the exercize list!

First Steps

I play football almost 5 times a week so for more accurate results than just run I think we should get an exercise shortcut for football (aka soccer in the US) 

Not applicable

 It appears that hundreds of users have been requesting more and varied exercises since early 2015, and other improvements, yet I can only still see a handful of exercise types on the Ionic.

Is anyone listening to the customers?

Even on basic apps like Endomondo, there are more than 60 exercises like roller blading, boxing and kayaking. How can you justify the price of this device with so little offerings?

Even the free Google exercise app pauses when you pause. I'm sick and tired of having to get my iphone out of my bum bag, wake up fitbit and pause my exercise. By the time I've done that, the lights have changed again.

When I reach the end of the course, if I forget to stop the tracking, I end up with useless information by the time I realise.

I just changed the clock face, and now my steps (and something else in the bottom corner that I can't identify) are not showing on the screen. Useless. 

If I had not been given this as a present, I would have returned it months ago

Keeping Pace

In terms of having an auto-pause setting, that's included in the device and in my own experience it works great. It's a setting right on the watch in the "Exercise app" right before you select the exercise you want to do

Not applicable

It only appears on the ‘Run’ exercise as far as I could see

First Steps

The Fitbit Versa should have more than 18 exercises pre set on the watch. Some more exercises could include snowboarding/skiing, kayaking, SUP, etc. 

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