More features on the Fitbit App for computers

I started using a fitbit about 4 years ago.  I had an Alta, a Charge HR, and now I have a Versa.  

I was "happy enough" with the Alta, got the Charge HR to track sleep, and up to the Versa for the playing music via bluetooth while I walk.

Here's my complaint - I absolutely despise that Fitbit FORCES use of the app on a mobile device (my phone) in order to accomplish anything.  I do NOT own a personal cell phone and my job discourages use of personal apps.  

I KNOW I'm in the minority - probably one person like me for 10,000 others who use their phones for EVERYTHING.  But I SHOULD COUNT.  I SHOULD MATTER.  I'm just one person who spent $150 and Fitbit doesn't give a rats **ahem** whether I'm happy in the long run.

I woke up this morning and noticed about 20 minutes later that my screen wasn't showing steps or heart rate.  After a google search, I found the solution was changing my clock face.  I went to my DESKTOP APP BECAUSE THAT'S THE WAY I USE MY FITBIT 99.99% of the time and discovered that I have to install the app on my phone in order to change the clock face.  Sure, I can install the app and then uninstall when I'm done, right? 

Also, I'm over 60 and while I am pretty savvy technologically speaking, I don't know the answer to everything.  But please don't assume I'm ignorant because of my age.  Crabby because of my age, sure - but it's a growing population and one that FitBit should be reaching out to and not alienating.  

So, I changed my clock face and YAY my stats are showing again.  But - here's my **ahem** - I thought I could put my "preferred and easy to read and has the stats I want to see" clock face back but I can't find it ANYWHERE.  I spent OVER AN HOUR this morning trying to figure out why I didn't have stats showing, fixing the issue, and then trying to get back my "happy place" on my Versa.  

And to top it all off, when I was searching the forums for a solution, they popped up a "customer satisfaction survey" and I thought sure, I'll tell them how satisfied I'm not - but it didn't have a place for comments at the end.  So I thought, I've already wasted an HOUR of my Sunday fighting with Fitbit because of their idiotic choice to force Mobile App usage and ZERO support for people who like to use a DESKTOP app, why not waste another 5 minutes venting on this site?  

PLEASE do not comment with solutions unless you have a REAL SOLUTION which would be to have the desktop app have ALL THE FEATURES that are available through the mobile app.  I'm allowed to be pissed and I'm allowed to voice my dissatisfaction.  Plus Fitbit needs to know that when people ask me how I like my Fitbit, I always say "I love it, BUT....."    This is probably TLDR for 95% of you, but if you read to the end, thank you.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated label

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @DLThune, Thanks for taking the time to share your experience and this suggestion. I hope it will get many votes.

First Steps

I just "upgraded" to the Charge 4.  I can't change the order of the stats like I could on the Charge 2 so this doesn't feel like a  upgrade.   I want to be able to change the order so that I can change what I see first instead of having to scroll through all the stats to get to what is important to me at the time.

Not applicable

I'm so disappointed with my Charge 4.  On my Charge 2 I could choose to have date, time, miles, and heart rate on the clock face.  The Charge 4 choices act like everybody wants steps.  I want miles, not steps.  And I hate that I don't have a choice like I did with the Charge 2.  This is not an upgrade. It's a terrible disappointment. I wish I had known this before I bought it.  

Keeping Pace

I have a smartphone but would rather use the PC desktop app. My PC monitor is larger and easier to read. Why can't the PC desktop app show the same details as the phone app? 

First Steps

FitBit support, Do you realize that most people won't take the time to comment here, they'll get upset and go with brand? 
You offer the FitBit App for PC but it is a severely crippled/ineffective/limited app.
I'm sure having an app for the PC is great for marketing but come on - can't you afford to make it a fully functioning app?

Most of the data syncs to my PC, why not all of it? Like oxygen variation.
Please act like a professional company and support your app.

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, and thanks so much for sharing this Product Feedback! While we don’t currently have plans to release this feature, we always appreciate the passion and creativity that comes out of this Community. Since we know this idea is important to many of you, we have left voting open to continue tracking interest and will post another update if anything changes. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which product feedback is developed, visit our FAQs.

We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and your input is a big part of that process. We truly thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us.

To comment, you must first accept the terms of the Idea and Feedback Submission policy.