Naming/Labeling Alarms


Wouldn't it be nice if you allow us to name the silent alarms? For example: an alarm to wake up, one to drink water, food, one to remind me of something such as an important meeting, etc...

Your feedback is highly appreciated.

Best regards,


Moderator Edit: Added Labels/Title for Clarity

Recovery Runner
Agreed! I have multiple alarms set up for through out my day/week and it would be nice if we could label it and show it when the alarm goes off.
Base Runner

Alarm names would be awesome 🙂


I just entered the forum to ask for this!


It would really nice to name the alarms and, in case of wristbands with display, that the alarm name is showed on the screen.


E.g. one name for the waking up alarm and another one for the medicines alarm 🙂

Base Runner

I was just thinking I should make a suggestion for this topic! It would really make my charge better!

Not applicable

I own a Charge HR and I think it's awesome.

I'd like to make a make the similar suggestion for the silent alarms dashboard page, it would be great if you could have a description field for the different alarm so you don't get confused and delete/enable the wrong ones? Silent alarms are great for reminding you to take pills etc as well as waking up. If they flashed text on the screen too that'd be even better 🙂






Great idea I now have other apps running in the background one to remind me to drink water by the sound of water and one to remind me to get up and move around and other things it would be nice to have the ability of more than one type of alarm and more than one type of sound so we can identify just by the sound what we are being reminded of.  Plus I also have to make sure I have my smart phone with me because that's where those apps are

First Steps

Now that everybody agrees with the idea, we hope it's time fitbit will take an action very soon 🙂

Not applicable

A while ago, been looking to the tracker and wondering why it would not be possible to enter a name for the alarm, especially when having multiple alarms its very convenient to know what the alarm is intended for. Smiley Very Happy


I also sent in a support / feature request to have named alarms.


I hope Fitbit includes it in a future update as I love my silent alarms just wish sometimes I remembered why I set on lol.




First Steps

Alarms throughout the day should be able to be named. If I want to be reminded every day at 3 oclock to drink more water, then a name on the alarm would be useful

Recovery Runner

I agree,

named alarms would be sweet

First Steps

I agree

First Steps
Nice! I agree completely!

It would be great if we could add a custom text to our silent alarms, for instance as reminders.  What say you, FitBit people?


Moderator edit: added labels and edited title for clarification 

First Steps
No brainier
First Steps

Reminders are motivations. I have your ChargeHR (2015) product and I have read that many other Fitbit devices are lacking this seemingly simple feature.


As we all are, I am a hard worker. I sit at my desk with my head down working the hours away when suddenly I'm hungry. Wow! It's noon. I have just sat at my desk for five hours without getting up once. It sure would be great if a Fitbit device could give me a gentle reminder to get up and move around. Maybe the vibration type of motivation is proprietary? But to me that doesn’t mean Fitbit can’t send me an email, or better yet a text. The vibration of course would be ideal, but just some kind of reminder would be very beneficial to me and to many of the other Fitbit community users who have suggested such a thing.


Another reminder I would like to see is a food log reminder. Buzz me, email me, text me, just make sure I am reminded to log my food. Like everyone else’s day, mine is full of things to do and it is easy to forget those kinds of things that are not so important and not so urgent. A reminder for this would be beneficial.


Thank you for reading my suggestion and thank you for your time.




Not applicable

I have a surge and would love this feature.




Love my my charge. Love the multiple alarms I can set.


However, it would be really helpful if we could assign names/labels to the alarms, and if those names would display on the device's LCD screen the way caller ID does. That way we can make it into a reminder system (a la smartphones) rather than just a general alarm.

First Steps

I agree. This would be a very welcome feature. A reminder to drink water, or get up from desk and walk, etc. - things you might forget to do if you are super busy. Having a notification that goes with the alarm would be super helpful!

First Steps
I'd like to see the ability to set alarms with titles. For instance, if I want to walk each afternoon, I want to set an alarm with a title that says "Afternoon Walk". Or for alarms in the morning, it might say "Good Morning" or something motivational like "It's going to be a great day!" That way, when my Surge alerts me to the alarm, it also tells me what it's for. This would not be mandatory, just optional.
Stepping Up

That would be great!I was thinking the same feaature. I am trying to get my habits in place and surge alarms with the title could help me get my good habits to be constructed.

First Steps

Yes!! Please add names to the alarms so i stop getting confused on why i had set them. Thanks.

First Steps

I agree 100% with the idea of being able to name your alarm.  My question is why wouldn't they have done this from the begining?

First Steps
It would be nice to be able to label alarms and have them display on the unit. But labeling in app only would be great too. Saw a similar post but it would not let me vote for it.
Base Runner

It does seem ridiculous that the alarms to actually show text, but it is "Alarm 1," "Alarm 2," etc. Even a few characters would be really useful.

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