Quit Smoking App

Suggest a Quit Smoking app that integrates the health benefits, incremental to the quit smoking success you are having.


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Nice suggestion, thanks for sharing. I'm sure this app would be very beneficial for a lot of users trying to quit smoking. We look forward to hearing what other community members think.

Recovery Runner
A tile for it would be great.

Not applicable

Absolutely great idea - I’d use it like a shot

Stepping Up

As someone who is currently giving up smoking (currently 11.5 days clean) I think this would be an amazing addition to the Fitbit app and an amazing motivational tool. The hardest thing I've discovered about giving up smoking is keeping motivated - nobody said this would be easy, but worth it in the long run! 

First Steps

I think this feature would really help people to quit smoking. Would it be an idea to show the amount of money that the user has saved based on the average number of sigarettepacks that the person used to smoke and the price of a package in the country of the user? I think this can motivate people but I would love to hear the opion of people that do smoke.

Recovery Runner
Yes that is also a motivating feature.
I have used “time saved” as a motivator for myself in the past. For example, everyone often shares the challenge of “not having enough time in the day” a cigarette, standing or sitting is about 7 minutes. If you stop 10 of those you’ve recovered more than an hour in your day. That’s longer than it takes to workout!

Stepping Up
Yes, exactly what I was looking for. I'm now 6 weeks into my journey to be
smoke free and I'm currently tracking my progress with another app, but can
see so much potential for these features to be built into Fitbit.
First Steps

This is such a good idea, l am trying to quit at the moment, please do this. I would use it and l know other Fitbit users who smoke that would use it.

Stepping Up

@OctaviaPreston good luck on your journey. It's not easy but you can do it.


I want this on my fitbit badly!!!  


Suggest a Quit Smoking app that integrates the health benefits, incremental to the quit smoking success you are having.


Moderator Edit: Title for Clarity/Added Labels



Would love this! I don’t always have my phone on me to log info into my app on my phone, but if I had it on my watch it would be fantastic! 

First Steps

Yes! I am currently using another app to help me quit. I would like to see a tile added. App should include the ability to add a cigarette for those who are trying to cut down/quit and can't do cold turkey, a push notification to congratulate you on your smoke free days showing how many consecutive smoke free days you've had and push notifications for the health benefits benefits as those smoke free days accumulate. 

First Steps

Brilliant idea, was just talking about it yesterday after doing research on quit smoking apps, I'd use it

Recovery Runner

I would like to see a quit smoking app and tile too! 

First Steps

I'd also like to have this feature on Charge 2.

First Steps

Yea this is a absolute must. Fitbit members thank you for your hard work. Please integrate a smoking “log” so we can correlate smoking with our blood pressure and other vitals. Smoking is not only tobacco but a variety of things and majority of people smoke something. We want to know how this is effecting our bodies. THANK YOU

First Steps

Perhaps we could just create our own event like smoking , drinking alcohol, or sex. Then we could correlate our own event with the vitals our Fitbit collects . That solves alot of problems 

Recovery Runner


A minority of people are not silly enough to put smoke of any type into their lungs and that’s why only some Fitbit users want a Fitbit app to help give up. I agreed that such an app being tied to vitals like blood pressure and heart rate would be handy. A event for sex is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of! Only a pervert would want to create an event to monitor or compete against other people’s sex lifes or compare. Twisted mind. 

First Steps

I think you mis-understood me. There are tons of people in this world who are going through the motions not fully understanding themselves. Maybe like you. Some people are sleeping with abusive people, drinking to much, smoking to much or whatever. Maybe if you could correlate events in your life with data from a fitbit then we can remove negative things because we can see how it effects our bodies. You are the one here with a twisted mind. I would like to know if i smoke one time how it correlates with my fitbit data in that moment. I never once said I want to compare data to anyone other than the data I have from myself. You creep with a dirty mind 

Recovery Runner

You obviously misunderstand what Fitbit is used for. It’s to improve health and not your sex life or abusive partners. Your the one bringing sex into the topic.. This thread is about a Fitbit quit smoking app and not sex. So off topic. 

Recovery Runner

I have been cutting down on my smoking and would love a cigarette log to help with this.

First Steps

I logged in for the first time to upvote and comment on this. It would be such a great feature and would save lives!

First Steps

This needs to happen! I'm also trying to quit smoking. It would be great to have something on fitbit to log time between cigarettes for those not looking to quit cold turkey, push notifications congratulating you for improving your smoke free times & what health improvements you've achieved after smoke free times. Also to correlate your heart rate/blood pressure with each cigarette so we can see what this is doing to our bodies. I haven't used my fit bit in a long time but this would definitely make me purchase a new one!


I also appreciate some optional app for people who want to reduce smoking. Just some time counter between cigarettes, which can be extended during the elected time and really smoked cigarettes counter by confirm in watches. Supplemented by graph in fitbit app, some motivation messages and maybe some health bonuses, when you smoke less, which are vissible by watches. It would be great.

First Steps

Great app. I used it while trying to quit smoking and it really helped me to control myself.

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