Return Progress Colors to Goal Tiles on iOS app

The new iOS design is very appealing. I'd just ask that one improvement be made. I liked having the tiles show how close you were to reaching your goal by changing from yellow to orange to green as you progressed. The new iOS app only goes from blue to turquoise and is much less of an indicator of how well you've done. I'm happy with the new layout, but would like to either see the yellow, orange, and green colors again or a better distinction between blue and turquoise.


Moderator Edit: Added Labels

First Steps

I just got my Charge HR and enjoy using it.  One frustration I have with the app is that it is very feminine looking.  For example, the notification to "Read the Charge HR 101 Guide" is pink and the bar at the top is teal.  The only colors that come close to being masculine are the blue (exercise, weight, and sleep) and orange (active minutes) ... all other colors are either feminine or neutral. 


I can't say that I'm an overly masculine man (I barely weigh 160 #'s) but I'm inclined to think that fitbit (or at least the fitbit app) is marketed toward women or feminized men ... except for the black band that I'm wearing.  I do like the black band.  🙂



Recovery Runner

I don't see the ability to change the general colour scheme of the Fitbit mobile app (at least on Android) if I have not missed it. It would be great to be able to customise this. This would allow also for better contrasting colours to be used.



Moderator edit: subject for clarity


I've seen a few posts on this, but wanted to reiterate - the colours used in the app / website seem to have been chosen with absolutely no thought to colour contrast.  For example I won my first daily showdown challenge yesterday:



That white on orange is bad and enough to complain about, as is the yellow on orange trophy, but in fact both are eclipsed by the choice of mid-grey for the congratulatory text!.  Even for someone without poor vision that would be hard to read.  Not to mention that there is no "night" or "high contrast" mode in any of the apps / web for those of us who prefer or need (I suffer from glare) light text on a dark background.


Kind regards



Recovery Runner

Additionally, the grey against teal at the top of the app is impossible to read. I just touch one side or the other to guess as to what it says. PLEASE fix that. The two colors practically bleed into one another.

First Steps

Instead of exercise goals going yellow>orange>green, it should be orange>yellow>green. We naturally associate warm colors with bad/take action and green with good/you're doing ok.


Moderator Edit: Added Labels

Status changed to: New
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

I think it would be great to have the option to change the colors/theme of the Android Fitbit app to add more creativity and personality to it. 




First Steps

I totally agree that the color changes should be reinstated.   I'm kind of a "bar" person myself, so I like the old bar presentation better, but the color changes are the most important.  A quick glance at the color(s) displayed give a much better indication of daily progress.

First Steps

I totally agree.  It was great to see your progress by the color change.  In fact, it bothered me that the 250+ steps per hours shows only red unless you get >250 steps every hour when it turns green.  Why not have everything do the usual color change or at least make it an option?

Recovery Runner

Yes! I agree! It's sad to lose the functionality we had which was so encouraging and worked well.


I agree. I prefer the previous color indicators.

Actually, I'd prefer to revert back to the previous dashboard for now if I can.


I have tried the new dashboard on my iPhone, but I don't like the lack of color. Currently, I'm only seeing 2 colors:  blue/aqua if you haven't met your goal, and green if you have. I like the yellow and orange that display on the old dashboard because they let you know you are on your way, and seeing the orange motivates me to meet my goal because I see that I am close.


Can you integrate the old colors onto the new dashboard?




Moderator edit: Updated title for clarity. 

First Steps
Hey, I changed to the new dashboard recently. It's fun, but I wish the colors showing your progress were still available! Like when it changes to yellow when 1/3 done then red/orange at 2/3 done and finally green when the goal has been met! I do see that it turns green when the goal is complete still, but it would be great to have the color/visua representation back! Thanks 🙂
First Steps

I agree! The progress colors were very motivating. Please bring them back.

First Steps

Yes, I completely agree with the comments on this thread.  The colors are very motivating, espcially on days when I know I won't make it to my goal.  It's at least encouraging to get the colors to change.  I tried the new dashboard but swtiched back to the old one after realizing the colors stayed the same.  I'll hold on to the old dash until I'm forced into the new one.  Please consider making this change.  Thank you!

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

That’s an interesting idea and could be useful, thanks for sharing this suggestion.

First Steps
Hi moderator - you can’t seriously be just reading these posts. They are pretty old. I would have thought that Fitbit considered this eons ago. I assumed they rejected the idea.
Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, and thanks so much for sharing this Product Feedback! While we don’t currently have plans to release this feature, we always appreciate the passion and creativity that comes out of this Community. Since we know this idea is important to many of you, we have left voting open to continue tracking interest and will post another update if anything changes. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which product feedback is developed, visit our FAQs.

We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and your input is a big part of that process. We truly thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us.

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