11-25-2024 07:32
11-25-2024 07:32
We joined the family quest to help our child receive rewards but one family member's step count has not changed from 0.0 since he joined. I checked that the same app permissions are turned on for my phone and his. My phone (working fine tracking steps) is a pixel 9 pro and his (not tracking any steps) is a pixel 8 pro. Both have same Fitbit ace app version.
11-25-2024 12:20
11-25-2024 12:20
Did that person open up the FitBit Ace App on their phone. I don't think the step total updates unless you open the app to sync it. Unless it does it periodically, like once a day.
11-25-2024 12:36
11-25-2024 12:36
Yes, I had him open it and pull down from the top to refresh the page as well. I also took the phone and tried myself and checked all the settings. I can't figure out why it will not track steps. We viewed Google fit and there are steps in there, so the phone is recording steps fine
11-25-2024 13:42 - edited 11-25-2024 13:42
11-25-2024 13:42 - edited 11-25-2024 13:42
Hello @MindyF
Please submit this using the Feedback option in the Fitbit Ace LTE app so that the product team can take a look. Tap on your profile icon in the top right of the app's home page. Select Feedback. Complete the prompts/information and send.
Although you may not get a response, the feedback goes to the team for review.
Just a reminder for those reading this thread, for family members who are only using the Fitbit Ace LTE app, steps are only tracked when detected by the phone. Syncing data from trackers or other fitness apps is not yet supported by the Fitbit Ace LTE app.
Rieko | N California USA MBG PE
11-25-2024 23:12
11-25-2024 23:12
@MindyF Thank you for submitting the feedback! Could you please recheck the step count on your family member's Ace app?
11-26-2024 04:47
11-26-2024 04:47
Hello @FitbitElli,
His step count has updated! It's definitely not what he earned prior to whatever was done to fix it, but I will keep an eye out for it to make sure it continues to add steps from here. Thank you!
11-26-2024 08:24
11-26-2024 08:24
We are experiencing the same thing. Opened Fitbit ace app multiple times on affected device. Fitbit app is tracking properly but steps do not appear in Ace app for 1 parent.
11-26-2024 08:25
11-26-2024 08:25
Also checked Ace app permissions and activity tracking is permitted.
11-26-2024 08:47
11-26-2024 08:47
Interesting. Either way, my steps should not be 0. Send silly that steps from Fitbit doesn't apply here when the accounts are already linked.
11-26-2024 08:52
11-26-2024 08:52
@Tsj4 I would recommend submitting feedback like they suggested for my family member. although no one directly contacted him, it was addressed pretty quickly it seemed!
11-26-2024 18:26
11-26-2024 18:26
The release notes said that it will gain more support next year from Fitbit apps.
12-02-2024 14:23
12-02-2024 14:23
Do you have to carry your phone with you when you walk or do activities for it to track adult steps?
12-03-2024 12:05
12-03-2024 12:05
If you don't have the Ace LTE watch, the steps are counted through the phone app. Next year they are going to extend it to other devices/apps that will count the steps instead of the Ace LTE App.
02-05-2025 02:57 - edited 02-06-2025 13:07
02-05-2025 02:57 - edited 02-06-2025 13:07
Same exact problem in our family; one Family Quest member is tracking steps the other is not. The permissions were verified to be exactly the same between the two members; yet one member's step count remains at "0", while the member that was added first shows recorded steps. Can't figure it out and it's annoying.