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The Best Answer feature allows you to highlight the reply that best answers a question you've posted, and reward the helpful member who posted the response. When you accept a post as an answer, both the question and the amswer get special icons and links that take you directly from the question to the answer.
Marking a topic as solved will also make it easy for other Community participants to locate valuable content and answers without having to read through an entire topic. Any topic you've marked as solved will appear in search results with a green checkmark, and future visitors searching for an answer to the same question will be able to click through to the answer quickly.
In the example below, community user awalk asked what it means to add an activity. A few hours later, s/he received a great response from 191GA and promptly marked it as an answer, here's how you can do the same:
Marking a Topic with an Best Answer
When you receive a response to a topic you've posted that answers your question, locate and click the "Choose as Best Answer" button within the helpful post to mark it as an answer. (Note that this button will only appear to the original author. If you did not create the topic, you will not be able to mark a post in that thread as an answer.)
When clicked, the body of the helpful message will turn green in color and display a green checkmark at the top right corner of the message. You'll also notice that a blue line will appear, congratulating you for finding a correct answer.
After that, any user can click "Go to Answer" within the first message of the thread containing the original question to be taken to the "Answer" post.
Unmarking a Best Answer
If you ever change your mind, or if another reply provides an even better answer, you can revoke your first selection and accept the second reply as an answer instead. To revoke a Best Answer, click Options > Not the Best Answer. You can then choose another answer or leave the question unanswered.
Searching for Best Answers
The Best Answers feature can be used in the Search function as well. Each result in the dropdown menu that is preceeded by a green checkmark has been marked as "Solved."
In the Advanced Search results, you will see an option to filter for topics with Best Answers. Just check the box in the larger of the two pink rectangles to find topics with confirmed answers. The checkmark to the left of the topic (in the smaller of the two pink rectangles) indicates an post with a Best Answer.
Now that we're familiar with the functionality of Best Answers, get out there and start marking your questions as "Answered"!