08-03-2014 08:36 - edited 08-03-2014 08:36
08-03-2014 08:36 - edited 08-03-2014 08:36
Meet the Fitbit Community Council: Member Spotlight
If you’ve ever visited the Fitbit Community with a question about our products or services, you’ve likely been helped by one of our Community Council members. In fact, almost half the Accepted Solutions in our forums come from these members.
This Member Spotlight Series is a chance for you to hear each Council member’s story, and to learn more about some of our most active, supportive users.
Chip, Burlington, VT
What got you interested in Fitbit?
I’ve always been a techy guy and interested in computers and electronic devices. When I was younger I built my own computer, and always wanted to have the latest operating system and electronics.
When [Fitbit] first came out, I was very intrigued by the product. My first Fitbit was an Ultra; I saw it in the tech blogs and at Best Buy. I think it was May 2012, right after I moved up to VT and needed some motivation to get active. I was initially just curious about its functions and tracking steps...I never really thought about how active I am in a day. So I was shocked when I actually got one, wore it to work, and realized how little I actually moved! Within a few months of getting the Ultra, I purchased the Aria so I could easily track my weight as well.
On his lifestyle before Fitbit:When I moved to Burlington, I was in a new city, didn’t know many people, and had this new job where I sat at my desk for most of the day, so I wasn’t very active at all. I had gained some weight, so that was [a] big motivation with the device so I [could] start tracking myself. [I knew] that I needed to move and when I needed to move.
After Fitbit:
I’m definitely more active! When I first got my Fitbit I was at like 3000 steps a day, which was really poor! Now I’m at 8,000 9,000 10,000, sometimes 15,000. It really does help me take the stairs and that type of thing…
On Technology and the Progression of Wearable Tech:
I’m really excited about it. I do research for a living, so I’m a big data person. I like to see my data and how I’m doing. I look at it as tracking a lifestyle—I know nothing is going to be 100%, but if it gives people the motivation to get up and do something, then that’s a major plus! Fitbit is so convenient, and by having data at your fingertips your activity is more salient and you pay attention to it. It’s nice to get that feedback without having to do anything. You get nice emails about your progress and you don’t have to do anything to get them except wear the device. So, it’s a little effort with big feedback.
On the Fitbit Community:
When Fitbit announced Flex at CES last year, I [paid] more attention to your Facebook page and saw people comment there. I got my Flex really early and had been using it a little bit so I tried to give feedback if individuals had questions that I actually knew something about.
This is the first forum I’ve been involved with. It’s been great to be able to get involved, help others, and add Fitbit friends to stay motivated. My family knows that I’m a big cheerleader for Fitbit, and several have received devices so we can we see each others’ progress as well as cheer and taunt! My work colleagues are also familiar with my Fitbit obsession, and we’ve got a group of Fitbit users that continues to grow. I remember reading that coworkers are the best people to tell your goals to because they will hold you accountable more so than family. It definitely works when you see a coworker a few thousand steps ahead of you on the leaderboard!
A word of advice to new Fitbit Community members:
My advice for everything in life is to read! The answers are most likely out there. The Fitbit forums make it super easy to search your question before you post it! There’s a lot of good advice already in the Fitbit Community. If you just take that extra second to search, there are pages and pages of tips, advice and solved problems. Take a second just to read through some things and then post your question if you still can’t find your answer!
The Fitbit Community Council is made up of the Community’s founding members and superusers who have extensive knowledge about Fitbit products and services, and who love helping other Fitbit users see success. Membership to the Council is invite-only, but if you have a passion for Fitbit and a positive attitude, you may a good fit. Read more...
08-03-2014 11:09
08-03-2014 11:09
@CMeyer2001 Nice article on you and thanks for sharing with the community about your journey!
08-04-2014 16:59
08-04-2014 16:59
Great Article! @CMeyer2001 Thanks for sharing
Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit the Lifestyle Forum
08-05-2014 18:29
08-05-2014 18:29
Thanks guys, and thank you Fitbit for putting this series together!
08-07-2014 00:04
08-07-2014 00:04
Humbled to know this is your first forum experience. We are very grateful to have you among us! And oh my gosh, your dog is adorable! That little buddy must help to get you moving. Great panorama, too. Have you thought of a second career as a photographer?
You were brave to uproot and move to Burlington without much of a network. That's one of those experiences that I romanticize, but fear deeply. Of course, when I dreamt of it, I was moving to Copenhagen, Paris, or Berlin.
08-13-2014 20:24
08-13-2014 20:24
Thanks @zapleahy ! I am very glad to be here and offer my help when I can!
My dog, Wrigley, is quite the handful. Probably because he is spoiled, but he can just give you a look that you can't resist.
I have to credit the beautiful scenery of Vermont for the great pic. I just pushed the button! 🙂
Moving to Vermont was the second time I have picked up and moved somewhere without knowing a soul besides the individuals I met at interviews. However, this is the farthest from where I call home. It's such an interesting, but great experience. Both times the move has been filled with excitement as I got settled in, and then after a few days it's like "Oh crap! What did I do, and what do I do now?" That quickly goes away though, and overall it is very freeing to have the chance to start fresh in a new place. I am so thankful for the opportunities I have had to do it, and all the great people it has brought into my life. I would also love to move to Europe for a period of time. It is so easy to forget how big the world is when you get settled into one place.
08-14-2014 16:38
08-14-2014 16:38
@CMeyer2001 I'm so attached to SF, I can only leave it for weeks at a time without getting homesick. That may change one day; part of me would love to live in the woods--with access to fast internet, of course!
I do hope you're onto the exciting full of opporuntity phase and discovering all the great restaurants, parks and people now. If you get the chance, give Wrigley a good tug of war game for me!
11-13-2014 04:48
12-04-2014 15:34
12-04-2014 15:34
12-27-2015 13:11
12-27-2015 13:11
Is it possible to connect a second FB Charge (second person) to the same computer? If so how... Thank you.