07-02-2023 11:42
07-02-2023 11:42
I am just wondering, if Fitbit Premium is worth the monthly subscription.
Many thanks
07-02-2023 14:33
07-02-2023 14:33
Short answer, based on my experience, is no.
The longer answer is:
The Fitbit and the Fitbit data are excellent; however the app, from my experience, is terrible. Most of the Premium Features are calculated by the app (the various scores and score breakdowns) and (at least for me) consistently unavailable. I started another thread this morning in this section detailing my problems with Fitbit Premium. You can check that out for more info.
If you like features like the Mindfulness Session or the Workout suggestions/videos then it would probably be worth it. The price point is very reasonable for that. If you want the scores, score breakdowns and other Premium data points, then I’d definitely say no.
In fairness, the app used to be pretty reliable (it was glitchy, but all of the Premium features used to be available 90% of the time). Since mid June this has not been the case.
Once again, this is my opinion based on my personal experience. My wife has the exact same issues. She’s already decided that it’s a hard no for her when it come to resubscribing to Premium. The app is just too frustrating.
Hope this helps.
07-03-2023 11:02
07-03-2023 11:02
Many thanks for all your advice.
Kind regards
07-13-2023 09:08
07-13-2023 09:08
I'm thinking of upgrading to a Sense 2. My interest is in the ECG, Atrial Fib, oxygen and sleep info. I'm confused as to whether you need the premium subscription to get this info. If you do it makes more sense to buy an Apple. Can you advise on this?