02-13-2022 09:40
02-13-2022 09:40
I’m trying to get back into exercising and need some beginner workouts to ease myself back in. I’m finding it extremely difficult to identify suitable workouts. For example, I wanted to try a short shoulder opening yoga video but there is no way I could even attempt it; I just don’t have sufficient knowledge of the poses nor do I have the upper body strength to even attempt it.
Access to video workouts was the main motivation for me getting the premium subscription; of the 1000s of videos on the app surely there must be something for newbies but there doesn’t appear to be any kind of categorization. Am I missing something.
11-25-2022 16:47
11-25-2022 16:47
Yes, my exact issue. I wish they had categories for beginner, intermediate and hard.