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Modifying exercise type now impossible

The old format of the app (iPhone) was so much nicer. Before the last update I was able to go into the exercise section, click manage data, go to exercise section and still change the exercise category.

They have now eliminated this completely. So this exercise tracker company has decided we can only stick to their limited list of defined workouts, and everything else shall be generic ‘workout.’ This is incredibly annoying.

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Hello @kay_nl 

The Fitbit team is aware of this issue which affects both Android and iOS users. We've been waiting for the bug to be fixed in an app update.

Until the bug is fixed, one of the iOS users, @Tracey901 , discovered a workaround to change the exercise category. See this thread (<-- click link). Although it's annoying to have to do all the steps, at least there's a workable solution for you.

Rieko | N California USA MBG PE

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Thank you! I was using that approach, but as of today (app update last night) it no longer works on the app. 😞

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I’ve just checked this morning 10th Feb, and it’s still working okay for me. I think I’m on version 4.09.1. Tracey

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I suggest you avoid version 4.10!

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I’m with you @kay_nl 😞 so incredibly frustrating… even if it was a backwards and irritating workaround before to modify the exercise type from generic workout, at least there was a workaround! Grrrr! Hopefully this can be resolved soon…

I even tried to manually log my rebounding class yesterday in addition to the generic workout, it’s given me completely and very different zone minutes, step count and calories to the ‘tracked’ workout from exactly same time period… notwithstanding it’s pulled through the same heart rate… go figure 🤔🤷🏻‍:female_sign:

Out of interest are you also finding 4.10 slower and glitchy too? Amie 

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YES! The app is frequently freezing up. I am able to modify the auto detected exercises on a computer, but only on the day they happen. I have no desire to sit at my computer to do this when they used to have a perfectly working way to do it in the app.

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Hello @Tracey901 , @Tracey901 , & @kay_nl 

According to a recent update on this issue that we got from the Fitbit team, you should be able to edit the name of a completed workout in the app as long as it doesn't have the option to use GPS (e.g., walk, run). The team is working on fixing the issue for activities that have the option to use GPS. This is for both Android & iOS users.

Hopefully, it won't take too long to see this fixed for all activities & all users in a future app update.

Rieko | N California USA MBG PE

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Thank you. I still can’t edit any exercises in my app, and updated the app last night. On the website dashboard from my computer I can only update things that were auto-recognized.

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Thanks for letting me know, @kay_nl .

I'll let everyone know when I hear of another update.

BTW, I'm an Android user and was able to confirm that I'm able to edit the activity name in my Fitbit app.


Rieko | N California USA MBG PE

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So is it just Apple users that are having issues? Main reason I kept my Fitbit was bec I like tracking my exercises with Fitbit but now that I can’t change and rename my exercises, I may be exiting from Fitbit if they don’t fix this issue soon.

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I’m an Apple user on v4.11, I was hopeful that 4.11 was the fix, but nooooo

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Still not able to edit exercise name as of 3/4/24

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I have found that if you use the exercise category "workout".  You can than go in and change that to anything you want.  Such as dancing, aqua aerobics. What ever you want to call the exercise you are doing.  But it can not be done on the app.  Only by logging in on my computer.

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Yea not going to get on a computer to log in to change. Does it work if I use safari on phone? 

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Yes!!! I saw the work around a few months ago. And in the last couple weeks it doesn’t work. So frustrating- counts my walks as elliptical. I am not swinging my arms or walking any differently than I have the last 10 years where it just counted it as a walk. 

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Has anyone ever responded to this ?   None of the solutions work and you shouldn’t have to edit on laptop

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All they ever respond with is that they have reported it and it should be fixed with the new update but that they don’t know when that will be. So absolutely no help unfortunately. I haven’t used my Fitbit as much since they don’t care to fix issues

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They don’t care about customer complaints or satisfaction. 

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I have the same issue. Very frustrating. Running iOS version 4.13 and I still can't figure out how to change the classification. I tried following the instructions on a previous linked to thread but that also does not work. 

I've also tried to change the classification using the website and it allows me to enter a new name but once I press the Update button, nothing is updated.

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