03-03-2024 09:13
03-03-2024 09:13
10 years ago, I suggested Fitbit look at Post Polio Pacing. This is ensuring readyness and not over doing excersise. Has there been any progress?
This link might be helpful in understanding this issues. http://www.polioplace.org/living-with-polio/pacing
03-07-2024 06:53
03-07-2024 06:53
@leear I'm not a Fitbit employee, just a knowledgeable long time user. I found your request from 2016 in the Product Feedback forum. The title was very different and was marked Not Currently Planned. I understand that you have specific needs. I suggest you start a new request in the Product Feedback forum with suggestions on how Fitbit might help you and others with chronic disease.
Laurie | Maryland
Sense 2, Luxe, Aria 2 | iOS | Mac OS
Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.
03-07-2024 09:45
03-07-2024 09:45
@LZeeW Thank you for your reply. 🙂
In a way Fitbit have partly addressed a section of the need, in their 'Readiness' function on Premium, however not everyone has Premium and post polio and others with cronic needs have to ensure adequate movement, without excessive over achivement, because of the risk of counter productive issues, and long-term exhaustion and decreased activity.