01-25-2015 10:26
01-25-2015 10:26
I am about ready to pop.... Literally! My due date is only 12 days away. I am trying to get my post pregnancy nutritional & fitness plan together. My first child is only 16 months old. So I feel like I have been pregnant for two years straight and my body is weak because of it. With two under two I am concerned about my fitness \energy level and the fact I feel rotund! Before I became a baby making machine I was 122-225 lbs and about 25%-30% body fat. I am only five foot one. I now weigh 160lbs and much fatter. Not sure of my fat %. But the lowest I got to after my first was born was 130lbs. I felt my best when I was about 22% body fat and roughly 118lbs. I'm not too concerned with what the scale says but my fitness level. I am 32 yrs old now too. So I know that us a contributing factor. I am also a stay at home mom. I do currently have a membership at the local YMCA. They have child watch and a pool& gym. I also plan on breastfeeding like I did with my first for a year. I also have a Fitbit one I love before I got pregnant. The program is not so great for pregnant & nursing moms. They have the option on the site but it's not active. I've contacted them before. My plan is a high protein diet and moderate workouts starting gradually. My net calories is about 1100 if I want to lose 1lb a week. If I add in 500 breastfeeding calories it is about 1600 without activities. Advice?
01-25-2015 11:29
01-25-2015 11:29
In my experience breastfeeding exclusively with no supplementing and some form of daily cardio slims you almost by itself. It's also about making every calorie count. A balanced diet of lean protein, dairy and lots of fruit n' veggies makes better milk and gives you more energy to keep up with two little ones. Congratulations!
01-25-2015 11:43
01-25-2015 11:43
I think that the best advice is for you to run your plans past a midwife, but you seem to have it all sorted. Sensible rate of weight-loss planned, gentle exercise, etc. Don't cut out your vegetables and starchy carbs in favour of protein though.
I'm sure if you have a partner or other support, but time at the gym could be valuable, "non-mother" time to be You too.