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Abnormally high HR when walking?

[For reference, I have the Inspire 2 and have been using it for a few months. I've also used the Versa 2.]


My current fitness levels: in my mid-20s, currently overweight but for the past 2.5 weeks, I've been doing low-impact exercises and LISS cardio at least 5x a day. HR is never more than 135-145bpm when doing peak cardio and my RHR ranges between 70-74bpm.


Today I went for a walk outside before work and as I was walking, I felt slight chest tightness (nothing out of the ordinary for me, usually happens when I do cardio/heavy exercise) and my Fitbit gave me a reading of 179bpm, which I've never experienced before (Once instance, I've had it spike to 184bpm for a brief second before but that was 100% a false reading). I didn't feel my heart rate and I was not feeling anxious nor out of breath. Even when I have an anxiety attack or overwork myself at the gym, it's only really reached a max of 155-165bpm, never in the 170s range. I stopped and it went down from 160s to 110s really quickly and as I was walking back, the reading display was on and off (sometimes didn't show the HR).


I'm wondering if maybe it's a health issue I should look into with my Dr. or if it could've been a false reading on my Fitbit? Also, I didn't wear my Fitbit the day prior (I usually do, but took a rest day).

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Especially with the chest tightness I would report this to your Doctor immediately, they may want you to come right in to be checked.

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Fitbits are not medical devices and will sometimes report incorrect heart rates.

As already mentioned, due to the tightness in your chest, go see your doctor. If this happens again, stop and manually check your heart rate. After a

while you will learn to get a feel for what feels normal.

CharlesKn | Mid-Atlantic, USA
60+, strength and cardio
Charge 5, Android, Windows

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I agree with everyone else that your description of tightness in the chest should be discussed with your doctor. Without that, I would say it was a fluke and you could probably ignore it. Especially since it came down very quickly and didn't spike again. The fact that it came down quick also leads me to believe it wasn't ever as high as it read. 

Elena | Pennsylvania

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I know from experience the fitbit can pick up an arrythmia that can't be detected with the fingers.

Chest tightness is serious.

I suggest getting referred to your cardiologist. You might have something caused by something we probably can't talk about here.

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