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Are there any other sporty folks recovering from covid?


I'm Natalie, a keen photographer, hiker, cyclist and runner. Very much enjoyed being fit, until my world was turned upside down by covid/pneumonia. I'm recovering but have months and months to go as I can hardly walk around my house without getting out of breath.

I bought my fitbit to help with sleep and monitor my heart (covid left me with a Tachycardia). I'd love to connect with others recovering and share our fight back to fitness. I was in hospital critically ill for a month, so came out very de-conditioned, I have lost so much strength in my legs.

Before all this, I could run 5k in about 30 minutes, not bad for my 50 years of age. I also enjoyed hiking in the lakes with my camera and capturing the beauty of the scenery. 

I'm going to be documenting my recovery on my Youtube Channel (

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I had mild Covid (was vaxxed and boosted... probably caught the Omicron version) just after the New Year. It took me about 3weeks to feel normal again. In my health metrics you can see a subtle but obvious effect that lasted MUCH longer. My resting heart rate jumped up 10bpm or more and stayed that way for about 2-2.5mo. It's only recently dropped back down to my normal range. (Normal is ~65-68 and I was registering 75+) 

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My family might have had COVID very early, I had symptoms but I hadn't been to China recently so nobody could get tested in those early days - after a couple of weeks we were all back to normal (maybe it was just Flu?) ... but these conversations are making me think about my health levels, I'm 70 and my doctor is always surprised that I have no aging issues at all - Fitbit has been encouraging me to do 5 miles and 10,000+ steps a day for several years now, it's not a problem at all.

I wonder if my health level might be a result of year of running with the Hashers, a typical run means that you are chasing the "hare" to try and catch them, If you get to the end of the hash (the run) in the first few people then the next time you run, you have to drink a beer just before the run starts - I was having to do that virtually all the time (my hash name is Late Cumming Limey) - drinking a beer makes a run immediately need effort so I was effectively being given  a physiological dampening but I was always happy and nowadays I'm healthy at a level that seems to surprise a lot of people,  strangers think I'm 50, not 70.

I don't know that running with beer is the reason for my current health but using a Fitbit is very interesting, collecting a lot of data and keeping me exercising with virtually no effort at all (LOL) and making me think a lot about what's happening when I review that last few months of my data - this is just an opinion, not an advert.

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Hi @Natastrophe and others. I just started a "Long Haulers Recovery" FitBit group (fatigue related conditions of Long Covid, CFS/ME, fibromyalgia, etc.) I think FitBit recently changed how someone can create/find/join groups so the info isn't clear. Hoping to figure it out so people can join and encourage each other.

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Is there a link? I’d love to join as I just got a Fitbit. 

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