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Before and after you started using Fitbit

Hi everyone! 


The impact of having an activity tracker is different for everyone, some people have incredible transformation stories, some others have found it useful for surgery recovery and other like myself have reached a desired weight goal and are more aware of activity levels in general. 




What about you? What do you think has been the greatest impact on your life after after you started using your Fitbit device? What do you think has changed for you when you reflect on the days where you didn't track your activity? What's the first Fitbit device that you ever had? 


Feel free to share your experience! 

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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It has made me more aware of my sleep patterns and my resting heart rate, which was in the 40s two years ago. (Sadly, not now. 🙁)

Even though my workouts have been irregular, my shorts keep slipping down, now. 👍

Argali/Inspire 3 ⛮ ₍⭖⁾
"Run in such a way as to attain the prize,
a crown that will last forever!"
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My first Fitbit was an Alta HR, so you know that was a while ago. Before that, I had a heart rate monitor with a chest strap. That was really just for monitoring exercise. It's not something that I would want to wear all day like a Fitbit.


I had an old-fashioned pedometer too. That didn't work well for me, because I needed to remember to put it in my pocket or clip it to my clothes. I wasn’t good at remembering to do that.


Even my Alta HR seemed like a big step up for me. I could get the same information about heart rate and steps, but it was a lot more convenient. Plus, there was so much more information. I've learned a lot about my sleep patterns. That has been very useful. It's also easier to keep track of my resting heart rate and other health metrics, so I can avoid overtraining.

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Amanda | Wyoming, USA
Pixel Watch 3, Inspire 3, Sense | Android

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Interesting topic @DavideFitbit  My first fitbit was a Flex 2 and I loved it! When I started wearing it a good day for me was around 8000 steps, most days I was around 6 to 7,000. Now I average around 13000 with a really good day being over 25,000. So having a fitbit has got me being more active and taking more steps. I also wore the Flex 2 swimming and worked at increasing the number of laps I did. And I also now try to do some sort of exercise most days of the week. All down to having a Fitbit!

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Helen | Western Australia

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Those are metrics that we should all be paying attention to, @Argali! I never payed attention to my heart rate, until I started using Fitbit 😁


It's great to know it's been so helpful for you @alexthecat, yes, the Alta HR went out some years ago and it's always been very useful, practical and stylish 😎


That's a great step goal for the day @NellyG, I'm trying my best to get to those numbers soon, would love to reach 25,000 on a good day! Flex 2 is an awesome device, it feels very light in hand. I remember when I had the first Fitbit Flex many years ago, it was my first tracker. 😁

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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"...I started using Fitbit and noticed my resting heart rate was a bit low. "


Isn't one of the benefits of working out the lowering of your RHR?

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Thanks @nasacpa, it was probably a bit too low than what's recommended 😅

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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How does that work?

My RHR is 68 at age 59.

It was 40-something, three years ago.

I was delivering free papers (10 mile route, by trike) 2x per week, for twelve years.

Argali/Inspire 3 ⛮ ₍⭖⁾
"Run in such a way as to attain the prize,
a crown that will last forever!"
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@DavideFitbit The recommended RHR according to charts doesn't seem to be less than 49, however, lower HR doesn't mean it's bad. The cut-off at 49bpm must be a result of some kind of normalization. I see no other reason. My HR right now, when I'm sitting and typing this reply is 42bpm. My cardiologist told me once that if my heart rate can easily raise and doesn't get stuck in a lower range while I'm trying to do something more intense (and I experience no dizziness or any other symptoms) then it's good for me. My usual RHR is 39-41 and I'm 40 years old. True, that genetics plays a big role here (I have low RHR regardless of my fitness but no heart conditions, probably I just "chose the right parents" :P). However, according to charts, my lowest should be around 50bpm (and that would already make me an athlete which is bizarre, I know no athlete of my age which such a high RHR). I think the known charts are rather out of date. According to the "recommended RHR", when I was obese, I was in fact an athlete 🙂  That's total rubbish.



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My first fitbit was the original Charge HR. I bought it right before a trip to Disney and someone said you can easily walk 10 miles around the park. I had to see if it was true. I don't remember the outcome, but I was hooked on the device and the community. I will say, there was a period of time that I focused so hard on steps alone that other parts of my fitness went to pot. I am glad to report, all is well now 🙂

Elena | Pennsylvania

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G'day David


I'm actually surprised at the impact my Fitbit has had on me and my health. I'm early sixties. Pre Fitbit I used to go to the gym around 2-3 times a week to do weights (no macho stuff... too old for that 🙂).... ate reasonably healthy, but pretty big portions.... no.. I'll be honest... LARGE portions. I am around 172cm (5'7") and was around 78-80kg pre-Fitbit.  In the two months I've had the Fitbit I am down to 72.8kgs... the lightest I've been since about 1997. Surprisingly, the Fitbit makes me acutely aware of my calorie expenditure and intake.... so now my meal portions are smaller, snacks are healthier and I do more cardio than before (ie get off my backside more often.  Being in lockdown a few times recently (and right now)... but we are allowed an hour a day exercise, so I walk almost everyday, and make sure I'm out in the garden doing 'stuff' a few hours a day. I didn't think the Fitbit would make so much difference... but it has. Still not at my goal weight, but I'll be there in a month or two. I'm sure the Fitbit will keep me on track to maintain it when I get there. I also feel heaps healthier and much more energetic. Not something I would have believed possible just by purchasing a Fitbit...  Cheers 🍻 

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Hands down on everyone’s dedication !! I'm on my 8 month journey and it has been a blast!!! I discovered Kale as an alternative to lettuce, and I'm loving it!! Its been a great 2021 for me!! 💛 Down to 10 pounds but lately I kept bouncing between 122-120 cause of work.


Been hectic and busy lately cause I’ve been trying to find a way on how to nudge my boss on that minor paycheck increase. I’ve been with them for a year and work has been piling up since the start of the year. So I guess that’s a great sign. But I am scared and not feeling confident about. It’s somewhat giving me anxiety cause I’m unsure how I should approach it, I’ve been looking at different guides and tips and been following Wonconsulting on Tiktok and Linkedin for tips saying I should keep an open mind, create options for the both of us, and just be confident. So yeah. But this doesn’t stop me to keep pushing for my fitness journey! If you have other tips on how I can manage this one let me know,


And Fitbit made me realize that there will be a LOT of setbacks and that’s just a nudge for you not to give up. Fitbit has been a help for me track everything which is really amazing. Kudos to the Fitbit team!” 🍻🎊

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Wow it's very interesting to read about other people's first experiences with the device and how this has had an impact on their daily routines. Thank you for taking the time to share your stories @emili @Robbbo @healthy2022.


I think we can all agree that we have changed somehow and we've learned many new things since we started this journey.  😀

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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I bought a Versa 2 about a year ago to track workouts. I joined Noom at the same time. I quickly realized it was the food logging that was important, so I quit Noom and now track food in the Fitbit app. I love the food log. I am devoted to it. I have lost 17lbs so far. 

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@ThumbedCat that's really great! Congratulations!

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Amanda | Wyoming, USA
Pixel Watch 3, Inspire 3, Sense | Android

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Great work @ThumbedCat ! Totally agree re the food logging. Until the Fitbit I didn't realise how many calories I was consuming... particularly the snacks whenever I walked past the refrigerator 😳. I also think being a little competitive helps.  I find I compete against myself quite often... wanting to walk further or faster, or squeeze in a quick extra weights session, etc. My water intake has also increased dramatically since I started logging it. Previously I'd be lucky if I drank two glasses a day (plenty of coffee though!). I also try to stick with a 16/8 routine... ie just have the 8 hours to consume calories and 16 hours fasting. I've never been much of a breakfast eater... so that helps. I usually try to hang in there until midday and try to finish eating for the day at 8pm. I just have black coffee or tea before 12. That's not for everyone, but works for me (most of the time)...  Keep up the great work! 🙂

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