09-16-2014 14:55 - edited 01-07-2015 13:49
09-16-2014 14:55 - edited 01-07-2015 13:49
Hi everyone!
Want to know a great way to stay in shape and burn calories while at work?
So, I based this thread off of one of our awesome work days here at Fitbit. Every Wednesday our office celebrates Work Out Wednesdays. (WOW)! On Wednesdays, we come to work mentally and physically prepared to work it out! We focus on a specific workout for that day. The best part is that it can be done in any office! Like this week, we're doing push ups to increase endurance and strength. We start off with 10 pushups and then increase by 5 every hour. If you're wondering, yes, it gets really tough after lunch but, its a GREAT way to keep burning calories, relieve stress at work AND it only takes a minute or two to do! Who knows, maybe you can get your office or a group to participate in a wourkout sesh like this?!
What other workouts are simple, fast and can be done at work to burn calories and stay fit!? Please share and join us tomorrow for WOW! #westartat9am
01-20-2015 11:29
01-20-2015 11:29
Try one legged calf raises - challenges your core!
01-21-2015 04:05
01-21-2015 04:05
I do 40 squats or lunges every time I go to the washroom at work. It helps that we have private washrooms and not stalls.
01-21-2015 12:03
01-21-2015 12:03
Squats are my favorite. Keeps that booty in the bubble shape and no sagging!
01-25-2015 19:09
01-25-2015 19:09
Make sure you use some peroxide and then some Neosoporine so you can knock the infection out. I deal with winters here in Colorado too, and my feet suffer the worst. I know how you feel. Good luck
01-26-2015 12:04 - edited 01-26-2015 12:07
01-26-2015 12:04 - edited 01-26-2015 12:07
I'm totally snagging some of these ideas for our Work out Wednesday routines!
Speaking of, anyone heard of Bring Sally Up? This was our workout last week (except without the weights)! It's squats with a cool beat.
The gist: Every time the singer sings "Bring Sally Down", that means you go into squat position. When she says "Bring Sally Up", just bring that "Sally" up! (stand up) Fun and awesomely painful routine. Sure to bring your co-workers and yourself a ton fun and sweat!
I'm loving these ideas! This week's WOW will definitely be wall sits with a kick! Thanks @DataDriven for the recommendation!
@WendyB I'm doing them! Woot!
Keep those ideas coming. They're awesome!
01-26-2015 12:13
01-26-2015 12:13
@RickyFitbit I dont know I will try Wed. Will need to practice before Sound hard
Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit the Lifestyle Forum
01-28-2015 10:54
01-28-2015 10:54
I HAD to google that @RickyFitbit ! That is tough!
02-05-2015 07:57
02-05-2015 07:57
I also work 12 hour shifts monitoring computer screens. If I can, I take 5 minutes every hour or 2 and walk up and down the stairs. When I started I did about 6 floors in 5 minutes. Now I do 15 In 5 minutes.
02-05-2015 08:00
02-05-2015 08:00
My high in one day is 209 floors.
02-10-2015 04:23
02-10-2015 04:23
+ 1 on the Stair climbing, I do about 15 - 20 floors per shift. Really brings the heart rate up as well as give extra energy to get through a grave yard shift.
02-16-2015 15:15
02-16-2015 15:15
I stair climb, too. Well, I haven't done it in a while but I'm trying to get back into running up and down the stairs once every hour.
02-28-2015 06:22
02-28-2015 06:22
You have an awesome job!! What I do is everytime I go to the bathroom, I do wall push ups and squats in the bathroom. I try to go to the bathroom at least 5x times during the day at work. It's my secret at work.
03-02-2015 10:47
03-02-2015 10:47
KatheeM, when working in a professional office, it's hard to find appropriate exercises, especially in a dress or skirt and heels. Keep a pair of flats around, change into flats on break or at lunch and take a quick walk (or walk up some stairs), then change back into the heels when you return to your office. Although they're not really sturdy, you can buy those roll up flats that will fit in a purse.
03-02-2015 22:08
03-02-2015 22:08
taking the stairs at work instead of the elevator, at the end of the day
03-16-2015 18:17
03-16-2015 18:17
Hi Ricky,
I work at a desk and I made it a point to switch out my desk chair for a stability ball, so I bounce all day. I also listen to music and when certain songs come on I get up and do squats/ lunges or a wall sit for the song.
If you have the option, making your desk a standing desk is good too!
03-23-2015 19:12
03-23-2015 19:12
This may sound silly but I work in a small office of 9. 5 of us at cubicles so we don't have a lot of space. I started doing 10 squats everytime I use the restroom which can really add up considering how much water I drink 😉
Has anyone tried taking their large exercize ball to replace their desk chair? Not sure if my boss will go for it but thinking about trying it! Thought it would help engage the core and burn some calories 🙂
03-24-2015 12:21 - edited 03-26-2015 10:58
03-24-2015 12:21 - edited 03-26-2015 10:58
Hi everyone!
@Mutter1995 That doesn't sound silly at all. I think the exercise ball you mention was what @FitFanatic93 mentioned. I know some co workers who use the stability ball/exercise ball and they say it does wonders for your posture and abs!
@shirlan Stairs. Living in San Francisco, you almost feel like your always walking up either stairs or hills!
@Raven913 Oooohh! Good suggestions!
Thanks @Delfina ! I feel fortunate to work at an awesome company with amazing people surrounding me! Now that you mention it, It sounds like quite a few people do squats on their breaks. Great!
@mommyknits Go for it!
@-Rich- 209? Wow, the bar has been set! That's a lot of floors. Where were you when you did that many floors? Machu Picchu?
03-25-2015 21:23
03-25-2015 21:23
Not bad after Spaghetti Tuesday
03-26-2015 10:59
03-26-2015 14:27
03-26-2015 14:27
I'm sure someone from the staff watch "The walking dead"