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Can over 75 olds benefit from keeping an eye on their physical condition?

We-ell, I am nearing the age of 80 and still working at the office most every day.


Are there other old fools in this congregation who have similiarly just happened to land here?


I do feel that the problems for us over 70 age old  leftovers might be a bit different from those  overeating overstressed people of say about 40 years old.


No I can not complain about my health. My Boston Terrier Pelle takes care of that. Though in dog-years he is also getting over 70 nowadays. (One human year = 7 dogs years)


So if there might be any leftowers from the happy days of WorldWar II and its afthermath perhaps we might sometime share thoughts.


Are there any standards for the degree of mobility and fitness that apply to such leftowers like me?


Oh yes, I walked last winter 1-1,75 hours a week  in the the woods sometimes in loose deep  snow with me dog  Pelle.


Now in the summer I saw with handsaw  and hew fuelwood with an axe for keeping my Cottage warm. And sail with a 4,5 meter spritsailer. When there is no wind I row. In calm weather easily between an hour or two.


So what I am doing in this place I really do not clearly know. But perhaps I'll learn something before the world freezes to death.


I seem to notice that there is no checking of writing errors here.


Maybe something for the Administration  to think about.


I only recieved **ahem** Laude Approbatur in English so my English is what it is. Certainly not American however.



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Hello there. I am 74 and walk with my Aussie and fitbit every day...usually 10,000 steps. I have advanced osteoporosis which is being treated. The walking keeps me happy, peaceful and alert. I also am in my office several days a week and always will be God willing. We have lived life through amazing times, huh?
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@ChucktheMonkI'm 74 and enjoying what life has to offer and nearly 3 years ago I joined this Group on Fitbit "65 and Active" which has members up to your age. We started with about 60 members when I joined and now it is up to 456 members.


There is plenty of dialogue and you can walk through the link and see if it is of interest to you.


Here is the link..................



Colin:Victoria, Australia
Ionic (OS 4.2.1,, Android App 3.45.1, Premium, Phone Sony Xperia XA2, Android 9.0
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