06-23-2015 15:17
06-23-2015 15:17
06-25-2015 05:40
06-25-2015 05:40
Hey, I'm also looking for friends to help me stay motivated!
07-08-2015 16:45
07-08-2015 16:45
Late to your post, but I'm always looking for new FitBit folks to keep me going!
07-12-2015 18:01
07-12-2015 18:01
add me to your fried list. i average about 15,000 a day, givre or take.
07-13-2015 08:03
07-13-2015 08:03
07-16-2015 22:27
07-16-2015 22:27
Just added you! I do multiple challenges daily, weekly and on the weekend! Love having people interested in joining in order to motivate each other!!
07-18-2015 09:28
07-18-2015 09:28