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Challenges for the Differently Abled

I have screws, posts, plates and a Spinal Cord Stimulator implanted in my back! I fall often and bump into things due to extreme neuropathy in my lower extremities. If I can make 1200 steps a day, that’s like running 5 miles! So walking 15,000 steps is unrealistic. I have already spoken with other people who have similar circumstances and similar wishes to be recognized for who they are and to be awarded for their triumphs with badges just like everyone else!

Best Answer

Hi @MaStribb! I have a spinal cord stimulator, too!  Welcome to the “club!” And like you, I also have a good assortment of spare parts within and cannot painlessly manage a 10,000 step goal. So, on the advice of my doctors after various surgeries/procedures, I started out setting realistic goals for myself, increasing them until I reach a point where the pain says, “This goal is good enough for now.” I’m up to 8,000 steps/day. 


As for challenges, I recommend the Goal Day challenges. These allow you to celebrate the fact that you are moving and doing your best, meeting your personal goals. Issue challenged to to your friends and celebrate your personal victories! Friend me. I’d be happy to join you. Tap here for more info on challenges. 


I would like to offer a suggestion, if I may. One of my biggest issues is a very sore knee that is not likely to get any better. So, I found a way to exercise, moving those muscles and keeping the blood flowing without putting pressure on that knee and risking a fall. I bought a CUBI under table elliptical machine. Because I need to track rotations/steps so as not to over do it, I place my fitbit in my slipper and happily paddle for a half hour or so  a day. It’s not “normal” to count these steps in your goals but let’s face it, you and I are not in the “normal” category. We have to do what works for us and keeps us moving. 


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