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Do you feel walking is enough?


Hi there.


My preferred form of exercise has always been walking. No wonder I bought a fancy pedometer, eh?


Anyways, I was wondering if anyone ever it's kind of wimpy...? I mean, when I hear people say "I go to the gym!" or "I'm a runner!" I always feel so silly saying "I try to walk 15,000 steps a day". It almost feels like such a firm disconnect that I doubt they even think I'm exercising.


I dunno. Maybe they're right. Hell, maybe it's all just in my head.


Let me know your thoughts!

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104 REPLIES 104

@Stephen1227 wrote:

Jherome, I am with you!  Let's make it a priority and keep at it.  Collinm39 is indeed an inspriation.



Colinm39 is a tad older than I am...I turned 65 at the time I got my FitBit as a gift from my daughter. It's the best motivator I've gotten in years. I'm excited about the weight loss, but completely amazed at the changes in my blood pressure and heart rate (and stamina).  I have become a shadow of my former self, but actually have returned to the body that I had decades ago when I was jogging/running 25-30 miles a week. I'm hoping to be able to sustain 40 miles a week as a goal. Alot depends on weather and maintaining my health.

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That sounds  like a bit of a challenge, but I am just trying to find a bicycling group that would ride for about 20 miles or so in and around the Johnstown,/Nabty Glo area,/Ebensburg area with me and whoever else could staring in late August early Sept.  just need to get a great helmet is all. The daughter has one uped me, and has a group already down in and around Aiken South Caroline/ Atlanta area. She's an athleticChristina, I'm sure she's love to hear from someone on my fitbit community.

trainer and helth teacher down there single.. so  if you  need another person to talk health her email is c

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SO true I've been going to the gym three times a week walking my dog, and heavy cleaning of the yeard and house myself. last summer was great , even had the flat stomach, this year it was too hot to go running really. Very, very humid in Johnstown.  It's alwasy nice to get out of town for a bit, so I often go out to Shawnee state Park or biking at he Ebensburg/ bike trail. Looku p online very nice. Down hill one way up the other, the Entrance right in Ebensburg is the start of the downhill 8 mile portion.  and then back it takes me like an hour and a hlaf.

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Heck I do sometimes think that walking is kinda wimpy- hearing everyone going to the gym whatever--- But I know that I will at least go out the door and go for a walk, listen to some music and enjoy the weather- If you ever saw me walk sometimes  I am singing  and moving to the music Hopefully its not too hot because then forget it.  Going to the gym cost $$$, I have to get in the car and drive I know excuses) but at least I know I will at least walk.   Running is bad on your knees but one can change it your walking  by  walk slow, then faster etc.

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@camrrt wrote:

Heck I do sometimes think that walking is kinda wimpy- hearing everyone going to the gym whatever--- But I know that I will at least go out the door and go for a walk, listen to some music and enjoy the weather- If you ever saw me walk sometimes  I am singing  and moving to the music Hopefully its not too hot because then forget it.  Going to the gym cost $$$, I have to get in the car and drive I know excuses) but at least I know I will at least walk.   Running is bad on your knees but one can change it your walking  by  walk slow, then faster etc.

I'm a BIG believer and proof (I think) that aggressive walking can lead to weight loss and physical fitness.  I beat the Army Physical Fitness passing pace almost (95+%) of the time for my age group. I'm 65 and doing 4 miles in under an hour almost every time. I've done 8 miles under 2 hours.  I've lost 46 pounds since March 23rd and will continue onward 🙂

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@NY2TXIn our Sunday newspaper today a reference to a paper published about HIT (High Intensity Training) on a stationary bike.


The paper - entitled 'Extremely short duration high-intensity training substantially improves the physical function and se...' - is published in the latest edition of The Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.


Here is the link,17878,en.html

Colin:Victoria, Australia
Ionic (OS 4.2.1,, Android App 3.45.1, Premium, Phone Sony Xperia XA2, Android 9.0
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I believe moving PERIOD coupled with proper diet and the burning of at least 2500 calories per day will lead to a nice weight loss - not quick - that will stay off - took me a year but I have lost 50 pounds and many inches with my Fitbit and friends
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I am an injured runner since June 6 and that is why I recently started with FitBit. At first, I felt like a complete wimp walking as opposed to running. I missed the sweat and endorphins but now I am realizing the benefits of walking.


I can do it any time basically anywhere and now log more total weely miles walking than running!


I am quickly becoming a big advocate of walking.


I hope to go back to running but have a new found respect for walkers!

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@Battleship12 - many years ago I was a runner. Now, about 5 months into this, I'm walking roughly 40 miles a week and generally averaging better than 4 mph. I'm 65 and work hard at it but it's real sweat and real physical effort. I've got bad knees and not about to go back to jogging.
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Thats awesum!!! Its all about the moement- I am a walker too- bad knees but enjoy listening to music and just gettiglost in my own thoughts- Kepp up the good work

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Thanks for the update and good news. I am looking forward to may walk tonight!

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And most important- Take some good music with you

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I think this is an interesting question to post about. I used to be a runner. Even now although I call it "walking" my dogs, it's still running with them. When my boy leaves the front steps you clutch the leash and your feet don't touch the ground for the first three blocks.


But you don't have to run or work out like crazy on machines. As some of us age, heavy pounding can damage knees, ankles, hips. Better to walk at a comfortable clip. Distance is the biggie, if you walk for aan hour a day, EVERY day, you don't have to run. Unless you're a total turtle you're getting enough exercise.

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I was a runner 30 years ago. When I got my FitBit for my 65th birthday from my daughter, I had no way of predicting what would or could happen. Long story short, from May 23 to November 23 (this morning), I have walked exactly 1,000 miles. I've driven my average pace per mile down from about 18:00/mile to just over 13:00/mile (I did 10 miles this morning in 13:19/mile). During that time I have lost a total of 59 pounds (in total since getting my FitBit, I've lost 75 pounds). On December 7th, I'm walking in the Rock & Roll Half Marathon.


I'd say the answer to the original question is "it depends."

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that's the first time I have heard of taking a part-time job with the purpose of getting more exercise! Kudos to you sir!  

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Walking is enough !  Just keep moving !  Great job !  Love jogging and running still at my age - soon to be 60 !  

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Consistency is key.  Exertion helps. I'll be 66 in March and have been walking since the end of May.  I've logged over 1100 miles since then and have lost over 75 pounds, gotten into the "best shape of my life" and finished a half marathon on Dec. 7th in 2 hours and 53 minutes.

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To my understanding, exercise works for weight loss. Period. The only big weight-loss-related difference between walking and running is than running is a heck of a lot more time-efficient than walking.

To be fair, there are some major plusses for higher-intensity exercise: reaching your weight loss goals (if any) much faster for one, cardiovascular benefits for two (the heart doesn't get a major workout unless you... make it work...) and some nifty GLUT4(? or 2. I forget) transporter benefits for another (useful to all of us but especially diabetics).

So why do I know all of this and still only walk and swim, maybe some yoga? Because it's what I like to do (therefore I do it) and because I have a bunch of musculoskeletal issues that flare up if I try to run. I am mindful of the HIIT benefits though, so keen to go a bit faster in the pool during 2015.

I guess I've got a holistic approach to exercise that believes in matching the activity to the person. Once upon a time when I tried running, I was in so much pain that I stopped after 2 weeks. Useless! I then tried walking and have been going at my 10K steps and making healthy dietary choices for ~6 months... and the weight has finally started to come off 🙂

Do what you like because in the long-run, it's your best chance of reaching your fitness goals. "The best" is great but really, something is better than nothing. ANYTHING is better than nothing 🙂

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Walking is great!  Not much harmful impact on your body.


Of course, I'll often carry a backpack full of weights  (well, 20-30 pounds or so) on my walk, so that when I go hiking (without the weights) if feels as if I'm floating.


Toss in some weights (when they are not in my backpack) and tennis, and I'm good.


But nothing wrong with straight walking.

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@badchess wrote:

Walking is great!  Not much harmful impact on your body.


Of course, I'll often carry a backpack full of weights  (well, 20-30 pounds or so) on my walk, so that when I go hiking (without the weights) if feels as if I'm floating.


Toss in some weights (when they are not in my backpack) and tennis, and I'm good.


But nothing wrong with straight walking.

I've done almost nothing but walking and portion control over the last 11 months.


I'll be 66, I walk approx. 30-40 miles a week.  I've lost 80 pounds since March 2014.  Walking is what I do. I've gone from slow walking to finishing a Half Marathon last December under 3 hours. I now regularly break 13 mins/mile and while my knees hurts, it's a "good hurt" 🙂

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