09-23-2014 16:38
09-23-2014 16:38
I've had my Fitbit for about 10 days. I haven't had a 10,000 step day yet. Most days I'm between 5000 and 6000 (sometimes less). I'm trying to increase my steps. I've started walking on the treadmill. I'm watching my calorie count. But at some point does this become easier? Maybe I just need to give myself more time to get in shape.... but the thought of doing 10,000 steps seems impossible right now.
Any advice would be appreciated!
09-23-2014 16:57
09-23-2014 16:57
09-23-2014 17:55
09-23-2014 17:55
09-24-2014 08:05
09-24-2014 08:05
I thought I would never get to the 10,000 steps but I did the other day. I walked in the morning, worked out at the gym and then walked again that night. When I was walking my flex band started vibrated and flashing it's lights, I thought it needed to be charged. I just kept walking and when I came inside I checked how far I had walked that day.
It will come just give it time.
09-24-2014 08:31
09-24-2014 08:31
It does get easier as Kayacking mentions.....take a 15 minute walk and you will add a few K steps. Typically I am in the mid teens on every weekend but unless I work at it I am usually around 5K steps on a normal work day. So I started doing the walk at lunch and now I get to ~7,500.
09-24-2014 19:06
09-24-2014 19:06
Thank you all for your answers and encouragement. Today I went for a short walk in the morning (I was super busy at work) then a longer walk after work. I think I just need to keep at it. I guess I can't expect to double my steps in little over a week - I'll just keep working at it. At least I'm more active than I was before!
09-24-2014 23:56
09-24-2014 23:56
The thing that got my steps going up more was becoming a bus person. I just moved into an apartment that's on hospital property and so there's no parking for my car...so I had to leave it at my parents' house. I take the bus everywhere now...and so I have to walk a lot too. I have even had days where I hit 14000 steps and barely felt it because it was just part of all the walking i had to do that day.
Good luck!
09-25-2014 06:15
09-25-2014 06:15
Don't give up! It will get easier. One thing I've done that helps with increasing my steps is to sneak some steps in. If you are watching TV get up during the commercials and walk around the house. If you are talking on the phone walk around while you talk.