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Done with this, I quit! ... (sort of).


Ever since I first started fitbitting in 2014, my goal has been to burn 20,000 calories per week.  For the most part, I've been successful with this goal, with the exception of the 2 times I deep-sixed my Fitbit One in the ocean while on vacation (they can survive freshwater submersion but not saltwater), or when I'm on a ski trip. What frustrates me is all the variability with the way the "accelerometer" estimates steps, miles and calories.  Some weeks I'm able to reach 20,000 calories with only 40 miles, other weeks it takes up to 45. It's becoming more and more difficult to plan my days.  Sometimes, I find myself pacing around the house late into the evening to just reach my goals, even though I've already walked miles and miles.


All of this uncertainty and unpredictability is driving me bonkers.  I've had it up to here.  I'm sick and tired of this.  Like Howard Beale in the movie Network, I feel like sticking my head of the window and yelling "I'm mad as Hell and I'm not going to take this anymore." I quit!


So, I'm going to make a change in my life.  Going forward I will no longer have a goal that I measure in calories per week.  My new goal is going to be in miles per week.   Forty two to be exact. That averages to  a nice, even and doable 6 miles per day.  Let the calories fall where they may.  I'm feeling better already.  Have a nice day.


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@rightdx I agree that change should come. If what you are doing causes frustration instead of satisfaction, it is time to give it up. There are enough things in this world, we don't need to add to the list of annoyances. I plan to have one day where not one single goal is met- not one. I plan on three days where all goals are met. The rest- let the chips fall where they may.. it keeps things attainable and since it  predetermined- not a slacker..

Elena | Pennsylvania

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Sometimes I find it hard to meet any goals I set. So I just wake up. Do what I can and go from there. Its not worth the hassle. As long as I know I'm moving I'm ok with that


But you need to do what will help you! I'm sure you will succeed!



Community Council Member

Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android

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If you're that focused on calories, I'd suggest using distance isn't going to be satisfying.


To get accurate calorie counts, a HR-enabled Fitbit will give you accuracy of calorie counts, and take into account the intensity. I can burn many more calorie over the same distance, depending on intensity. Because of this, I wouldn't ever expect to have X amount of calories burned over Y distance.



Work sleep...repeat!
Dave | California

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Hi Wendy.  I agree, people should do whatever works best for them.  For me, having a streak going and not breaking it keeps me going.  I'm afraid if I laxed off once, I would do it again, and again, so I do like having a goal and striving to keep it.

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I didn't know the HR fitbits actually calculated calories based on heart rate.  I'm old fashioned and prefer my old watch, so I'm used to clipping on my little One.  But thanks for the tip.

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@rightdx I agree that change should come. If what you are doing causes frustration instead of satisfaction, it is time to give it up. There are enough things in this world, we don't need to add to the list of annoyances. I plan to have one day where not one single goal is met- not one. I plan on three days where all goals are met. The rest- let the chips fall where they may.. it keeps things attainable and since it  predetermined- not a slacker..

Elena | Pennsylvania

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