01-09-2016 13:45
01-09-2016 13:45
For any Novice runner who is looking for motivation, or a reason to run, I recommend any book by Geroge Sheenan. A Doctor/Philosopher, whenever I needed a kick in the butt to put my shoes on and head out the door on a cold winter morning, for my morning 6-7 mile training run, I would think back on what I had read in any of his 3 books. Although, I no longer run, his words have always stayed with me. He was a legend in is own time!
01-09-2016 15:59
01-09-2016 15:59
Couldn't agree more. Dr. Sheehan was one of the only reasons I subscribed to Runner's World back then. - a while ago they republished one of my favorites linked here.