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EMF'S The end of all human life?????


Hilke Ferrie wrote an article for the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives entilted "Dirty Electricity EMF'S Can be removed or Reduced".  The articled was published in the June 2012 issue.  She writes the following:

1.  All cells in your body are aligned in  a North-South direction, but can't work properly if you sleep on a metal coil bed.

2.  Microwave ovens will radiate you within a 9 foot distance.

3.  The telephone sound amplifying magnet will kill off brain cells.

4.  Energy efficient light bulbs radiate at carcinogenic levels.

5..Even if all appliances and lights are off dirty electricity radiates through house wiring.

6.  EMF'S are invisible poisons that can wreck human brains, cause sperm to deteriorate, ovaries to malfunction, and fetuses to die.

I'd stop worrying about EMF'S and blue tooth causing wrist tendonitis, ganglion cysts, carpal tunnel, stenosising tenosynovitis, and medial and lateral epicondylitis and worry about the future of the human race.

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@Bill_k it is not really a matter of "by Country,"  it more a matter of "by the human race" national efforts and regulations are still certainly useful) - try to think in terms of personal carbon footprint. Canada has one of the highest per capita carbon release to the atmosphere (along with USA and Saudi Arabia). Try to think what can you do to reduce your (not your county's) share.

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Since we ALL humans have been alive with EMF for, oh I don't know 1 to 2 billion years, I'm not sure what the problem is.   The earth has always had a magnetic direction.  Yes it's change now and again but as long as we have had iron and a sun we have had a north, south, east and west directions.  BTW makes not matter if the earth was flat or round.  

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I'm not against saving energy at all as i do what i can but we are going to be tortured in Canada by government imposed carbon taxes which do nothing for the environment but threaten peoples' abilities to feed themselves and heat their homes.

40% of the people in the country are 2 paychecks away from insolvency but governments still force this on us.


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Californians got tired of being taxed, and passed Proposition 13 awhile back.



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