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Does anyone have any tips for starting up running? 

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It's going to depend on how fit you are to begin with.


Easiest suggestion, Go until you can't, walk/rest for a bit, then repeat.

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I used a couch-to-5k app on my phone!

It starts off with a 1 min run followed by 1.5min walk a few times The second run, you do the same but repeat a few more times. The third time increase the run decrease the walk and so on...


It gradually builds up your stamina and skill over around 14 weeks at 3 runs per week until you can run 5k non stop.

Great thing is you can play the app in the background so pop on a podcast or some music with your headphones in and it will just tell you when to run and when to slow down and walk.

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I started with walking and then added a little jogging.  I just kept at it until I could jog the full 30 minutes.  I just started the c25k app but instead of walking I jog and then I run as fast as I can for those run intervals.  I have done it 4 times and I am already getting faster and having more stamina.  It was a nice little push. 😄

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Thank u! When u repeat the coach 2 5k what week do u restart it at? 

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I didn't use any apps to get myself into running. Just Fitbit ( and this won't be enough later as it offers an incredibly limited set of features ). Like most of the people here, first walking long walks ( during lunchtime, up to 1 hour, more walking on weekends etc. ), then brisk/power walking with keeping fixed pace. Then slowly little jogging mixed with walking intervals ( on the timer, 10 minutes walk, 5 minutes jog, 10 minutes walk etc... ). With time intervals durations switched towards making jogs longer, walks shorter. Then, the initial power walk became a warm up. So 5min walk, 5min jog, 5min walk, 5min jog etc. Then again, shift towards jog which went into a run ( walk, jog, walk, run, walk, run..., to end with the walk ). All timed to be done within an hour. Professional trainers probably wouldn't find my plan as a good one but it was good enough for me 🙂 Just taking baby steps. After a while, I started running in comfortable pace ( in here one must already have the right gear, like good shoes ). Fitbit app wasn't enough, so now I use Endomondo to track my training routine ( I want to go for 5k, then 10k etc. ). I run both apps together. Fitbit tracks my HR and calories, Endomondo everything else ( I don't sync them, they work separately, syncing brought some false records, so I disconnected them etc. ). Started walking around 16 of May ( probably little earlier than that, but I count the start of it with a day I bought the Fitbit ). Yesterday I ran 10km within 58min ( slow comfortable pace, always on Mondays 🙂 ). It takes a commitment but it's very addictive. I wrote more about it in the other thread. One thing worth mentioning - running isn't enough. Mind that running burns lots of calories and it affects both fat and muscles. If you get further than light jogging ( and I'm sure you will feel the borderline as for example shin splint 😉 ) so add resting days to recover and strength improvement exercises ( there are lots of it addressed to improve your running skills ).

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