06-21-2021 09:03
06-21-2021 09:03
Hi guys! I'd like to know what are your experiences with the ones that have treadmills and what pros you have found when it comes to have one at home.
I don't have one but I'd like to acquire one of those since they are the best option when we have rainy days and we don't wanna skip our workouts.
06-22-2021 02:15
06-22-2021 02:15
I bought a second hand treadmill last year with the aim of using it when I can't go out to exercise (which happens a lot here either due to horrible winds or rain). I have found it great! I much prefer to go out when I can but for days I can't, bring on the treadmill. I'd suggest you go for the best one you can afford (remember Second hand is fine! ) as the comfort (softness) of the walking surface and size or walking area seems to be much better with more expensive models. It is really worth trying walking on a few to see what works best for you.
Helen | Western Australia
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.
06-22-2021 02:16
06-22-2021 02:16
I have a treadmill in the garage. I've been using it a long time ago but now it's just gathering dust. Shortly, I don't like treadmills. Running on a treadmill doesn't feel natural (because it isn't natural). I find it impacting my joints (especially knees, ankles) a lot worse than running outdoor. Because the treadmill runs on its own and is pace driven, trying to keep cadence fixed makes it even less natural to run. Also, the running motion is different than outdoor so it trashes my running stats (the distance and pace will be always lower than running outdoor because running on a treadmill is more vertical than horizontal - we are not moving forward). So, I'd rather be running in the snow, hail, and blizzard than use the treadmill 😛
06-22-2021 07:53
06-22-2021 07:53
I have a treadmill in my bedroom, but I mainly use it for walking. If I want to run, I vastly prefer running outdoors. Running on the treadmill is pretty mind-numbing. I usually walk on my treadmill while I read a book or watch TV. But for running, outdoors is my preference by far!
06-24-2021 16:45
06-24-2021 16:45
I actually prefer an elliptical. I use that much more than I use my treadmill. I also have a climber that I use nearly every day.
06-24-2021 16:56
06-24-2021 16:56
I use a treadmill 5 days a week don't have the head room for a elliptical. Have music video playing. On the TV it great.
06-24-2021 17:13
06-24-2021 17:13
I have a Bowflex Max trainer, which is kind of a combination elliptical, stepper, treadmill and it doesn't need a lot of headroom. It's a great cardio workout, without high impact on knees and other joints. Great for rainy days or really hot days when being outside isn't a good option.
06-28-2021 09:33
06-28-2021 09:33
Hi everyone! Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and information since I'm interested in one of those machines.