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FitStar Yoga First Impressions

So one of the applications that Fitbit can sync to is Fitstar Yoga. I thought it might be interesting to check it out. Last night I attempted to sync my Fitbit to Fitstar Yoga and it didn't work. I got a notification that said "Your [Fibit] account is already linked to a Fitstar account" or something of the likes. So I have to manually enter in my sessions onto Fitbit.


Anyways, last night I tried the introduction session. It was 17 minutes long and not too hard. I like that it allows you to give feedback about each pose during or after the session. There were a couple poses that were too hard for me (I'm a yoga noob for sure) and I liked that the app claims they'll tailor your sessions to your personal needs.


This morning I did another session. It was about 27 minutes long. There were some poses that were too hard for me last night that I had to do again. Then at the end of the session it said that there were no more "free sessions" this week. So like... I can't use the app for another week unless I buy the upgrade? Yeesh. 


Anyone else have any experience with this app? I don't really know what to think about it yet. I liked the sessions I've done so far for the most part because my body feels good afterwards and it's a nice low-intensity activity for before bed or right in the morning. I probably won't buy the upgrade and just stick with the free sessions. What are your experiences?

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I tried it a few months ago, and I too am a total newbee. Like you said, many of the poses were much too hard for me. I also found that I missed rating quite a few of them as the ratings went by quickly. It was tough for me to watch my TV Ipad and try to do the poses. When it was over, I would have liked to try it again sooner than the free trial allowed. I ended up deleting the app from my Ipad.


So the dilemma, I feel self-conscious to try a class as I'm just so new at this. I did search for some classes in my area, but that's as far as I went. A few months ago, my husband and I went to a meditative yoga class. I liked it; the teacher was very patient, but even sitting in the lengthy poses was tough for me. Maybe like my walking program, I just would have to be patient and give it time.

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I do yoga and it took me a while doing it at home before I felt comfortable enough to attend a public class. I acually use MyFitnessPal to track food and I just log the yoga session into that and it syncs right over to fitbit.

I tried a few different yoga apps including the fitstar one, but found the music irritating and wanted a more detailed discription of how to do the poses... so I moved onto youtube. I finally came across one channel that I really like called "Yoga with Adriene" she explains how to move into the poses so well that you only need to sometimes glance at the screen, which I find super helpful. Anyway, I would reccomend giving her a look, it's free and she's super enjoyable! Good luck!


I hope this link works...

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Thank you Laura. That was great of you to share the link. I'm going to check it out as soon as I'm finished here.


Thanks again!

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Hi Laura,

The video seemed great but it kept locking up on me. The picture would stay static but the voice kept going. Has that ever happened to you? I tried going a bit back and got it rolling again, but the same thing kept happening. Wonder why.

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oh no! I havn't had that issue, I wonder if it is an internet connection/speed problem?

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