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Hey guys, this morning I am feeling beyond discouraged. I'm on my 10th work day in a row which have consisted of mostly early mornings with 8-10 hours of non-stop work. I do a lot of administrative work at my family's business and we had a big sale this weekend for Memorial day so I've been up to my eyeballs in paperwork and running around like a chicken with my head cut off. One day I got home and couldn't even move because my body was so sore, I just went right to bed. 


Does anyone have any tips to lower stress levels? I won't have a day off until Sunday (14 days of work straight) and I desperatly need something to help me feel less stressed. My acne has flaired up again and my body is sore. Please let me know if you have any ideas of how I can keep the stress off at work. 


Thanks guys ❤️ 

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Hi there

I found that doing stertches, deep breathing and drinking water helps.  randomly during the day.  Also take time for a short walk also stop to have a laugh.  Take the appropriate breaks.  15 minutes in the morning and afternoon with a lunch break. 

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On top of what kwala7a said



deep belly breaths


meditation, no seriously it doesn't have to be some long drawn out thing plenty of guided meditation apps that will walk you through. 

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Hi, I have the same problems with stress. Lately it's been flaring up alot for me also; both at work and in my personal life.  I participated in an MBSR program at a local hospital last year based on Jon Kabat-Zinn's meditation and yoga programs. I'm using his body scan meditations at night to try to improve my sleep. Sleep vanishes when I get overly stressed 😞 


I do notice that if it's a really bad day and I spend a half hour on a guided meditation when I get home, it does calm me down. 


Headspace also has some good reviews on their meditation app. I haven't used it that much; just signed up recently. They have some quick 10 minute sessions that I'm hoping to use when I get overly (pop out to the car - listen to it and hopefully calm down). 


I'm also trying  to use a stress reduction yoga program every day in the morning before work. If nothing else, I'm more flexible than when I started. I had been doing this in the evening before bed for a couple of months but a yoga instructor mentioned that it might be too energizing in the evening so I'm moving it to the morning. 


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I love a hot bath. Relieves my stress every time. Or curling up under a heating blanket with a good book. I guess I like heat. Maybe because I live in MN. If you're from the south perhaps a cold drink and a stiff breeze while journaling your thoughts would work better. Try anything that sounds good. See what sticks!
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@backlash79 do you know of any guided meditation apps off the top of your head?

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I've used the second one on the list and another one I can't recall off hand
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I feel you op! Today was one of those days where nothing went right and it was frustrating because I didn't get to go on my walk as usual, which is pretty calming..I had a client come in last minute and a pile of paperwork to get through, luckily everything was prearranged before they arrived.

My tip is, if possible, put alarms for every two hours to remind yourself to take a quick ten, walk outside, take deep breathes of fresh air..walking fast helps me just zone out..I can't go as often as I like, but I am starting to make it a priority and am trying to be more consistent about it

End of the day your health is more important and sometimes you have to just stand your ground and remember to take that quick ten, or even five, or fifteen, if need be, for yourself
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