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Fitness Instagram (help me out!)

Hi guys! So I recently created an instagram account geared towards positive lifestyle changes and just overall personal wellness, and if anyone out here reading this followed it I would be SO grateful!  @fit_lys_     for those of you who are interested, it would mean so much to me if the Fitbit community were able to rally behind this idea of mine and support me. I really want to reach out to as many people as I can and hopefully share some fitness wisdoms to help other people see ideas of progress in a new light. If you have an instagram, it can't hurt to go and check it out! thank you so much 

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Hi guys! So I recently created an instagram account geared towards positive lifestyle changes and just overall personal wellness, and if anyone out here reading this followed it I would be SO grateful!  @fit_lys_     for those of you who are interested, it would mean so much to me if the Fitbit community were able to rally behind this idea of mine and support me. Please go check it out ❤️ 

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Followed!! Feel free to follow me back @crazyqueet


I got a few fitness things on my profile but kinda fell off on posting about fitness but going to get back into it as I did inspire a lot of people....

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Followed @fit_lys_  sent a request to @crazyqueet, follow back @40andff.

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I too have recently joined instragram (@mmsilvia118).  I have followed you all ( @fit_lys_ , @crazyqueet and @40andFF) and would love a follow back 🙂  Thank you so much!

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Will give you a follow! I started a fitness account a while ago having overcome an eating disorder, and its helped me to find an amazing community of people and finally learn to exercise the way I love rather than just obsessing over weight, @Maddie_gb_fitness 🙂 can be a great way to find out about new forms of exercise and be motivated by others!

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Hi @alyssadevlin, I think that this is a really great initiative, I believe I'm following you now but I'm not sure because I've found @fit_lys and not @fit_lys_  Cat Sad  I'm also following the rest of you guys, I hope we can share fitness tips to help each other! Cat Embarassed If you want to follow me back (aleja.santizo)

Marlen S. | Community Moderator

What's for breakfast?Check others recipes and share yours!

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