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Games that get you moving

I wanted to share some games for the Android Smartphones that can get you out walking and see if anyone has other games they found as well.

If your going to walk, why not play a game while doing it?


The first big game I played long before I had a smartphone or fitbit is Geocaching. Think of a high tech treasure hunt. There are thousands of these hidden and probably right under your nose and not even know it. You can use your smartphone or a GPS, which is my device of choice.

Geocaching website


Apps for smartphones:

c:geo app (Free)

Geocaching app (Offical app $)



This next game I just tried playing last night for the first time; Ingress.

It's a real world game. The info for the app is vague. Had to do a web search to get the basic idea on what you want to do in the game. Must have worked since I took over an enemy portal in my area.

Best for bigger cities, more portals, but the small town I live in has a few right along my usual walk path.

Ingress app (Free)



The following games I have not tried yet so I can give no personal info about them. When I do try them I hope walking will work for them as I don't run.

Zombie, Run! app (Free) Install on my phone, have not personally tried yet.


Zombies, Run! 5k Training app ($)


Zombies, Run! app ($)

One / Flex 2 / Charge 2
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I play Ingress . I'm new to this whole world of Fitbit though and I notice there's a community tab with groups of interest you can join. Well being new to this I can't figure out how to search for groups to join, does anyone know if there is an Ingress group? 

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The games that pay me, lol. No, but for real, they are the only thing that got me moving during the pandemic after I lost my job ad had no income whatsoever. I still did some photoshoots and some other stuff, but the main source of income for like three months were the games from here that a friend told me about. Me and him were in the same situation and we helped each other out when we found a better paying game, etc. I found a job now, but a little extra money is very welcome, so if any of you know some more of those that are paying well, keep the ideas coming.

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