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Get Moving



Not everyone understands how big of an effect the food we consume has on our body as well as our mind. By fueling your body with healthy & nutrient-dense foods, you will ultimately feel more rested, energized and able to do tackle your to-do list without feeling like you need to reach for that second (or third) cup of coffee. Take it from this study that states there is a connection between eating fast food and chronic depression – what you put in your body matters.

The benefits don’t just stop there. Eating foods full of vitamins & nutrients have an amazing effect on your skin, hair, nails & more. Who doesn’t want stronger nails, shinier hair and clearer skin!? Remember these benefits next time you’re tempted to go through a drive-thru.

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There’s nothing more motivating than that first 5K looming in bold letters on the calendar. Register early and commit to an exercise program that will get you in shape by race day.

“Set realistic goals that include clear milestones, and as you progress toward your goal, you’ll find a ripple effect occurs and things fall into place in your work, home life, and health,” says Stacy Fowler, a Denver-based personal trainer and life coach.

The goal doesn’t even have to be an organized race. Maybe it’s a mission to fit into that bikini by the annual beach vacation or that old pair of jeans buried in your closet. Whatever it is, define it, write it down and revisit it daily.

Make sure it’s realistic and you can actually adapt your life around meeting the goal, says Philip Haberstro, executive director of the National Association for Health and Fitness in Buffalo, New York. Otherwise you’re setting yourself up for failure. Bowling started with a mini triathlon in 2006 (250-yard swim, 10-mile bike ride and 3.5 mile run). This year she completed Ironman Wisconsin (2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike ride and 26.2-mile run).

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Hi @NAOMI122  most of your posts include pictures of yourself with copied text. This isn't a dating site and maybe you're just trying to find a way to fit in. The best way to do that is to be yourself, post from your heart and leave out the photos. Do you even have a Fitbit? Nothing you've posted so far shows you do and that's what these forums are all about - Fitbit. Let us know.

Stepping in the U.S.A. since September 2013. Android 14

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I completely agree with you. Fast food has a very negative impact on health, not only physically but also mentally. Six months ago, I was depressed, I sat at home all day, ate all the most harmful food and did not want to change anything. I gained 15 kg and just degraded. All this continued until a friend advised me to find a trainer who would help me return to normal life. She recommended me a blog where I found an affordable life coach certification. At first, it was very difficult for me to open up to a new person, but after just a couple of sessions, I began to see the result. I am very grateful to the specialists from this company.

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