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Good calisthenics calorie burn tables/apps?

I don't know of any retail available solutions, but does anyone have any good info on where I can find calorie burn tables on the web for various types of weight room and general calisthenics (like pushups, situps, leg lifts, windmills, trunk twists, doggies, etc.)?


Also any good apps for such workouts, preferably free?


Thanks in advance, all!


Lew Wagner

Lew Wagner
Author of Losing It - My Weight Loss Odyssey
Do or do not, there is no try - Yoda
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@LewWagner wrote:

I don't know of any retail available solutions, but does anyone have any good info on where I can find calorie burn tables on the web for various types of weight room and general calisthenics (like pushups, situps, leg lifts, windmills, trunk twists, doggies, etc.)?


Also any good apps for such workouts, preferably free?


Thanks in advance, all!


Lew Wagner

@LewWagnerThere are plenty of these calculators on the web but these were  recommended a few months ago by fellow Fitbitters. The final one is if you use a Heart Rate Monitor

Colin:Victoria, Australia
Ionic (OS 4.2.1,, Android App 3.45.1, Premium, Phone Sony Xperia XA2, Android 9.0
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Lew, I sometimes use Spark People's fitness tracker. It has you select the exercise, log the sets, reps and weight and the time you spent doing the exercise (not rest time). It has a lot of the exercises you mentioned, but not every exercise. If it doesn't have one i want to enter, I either try to find somethign similar or I guess the calorie burn for the unlisted exercise based on the others. I think it may be applying MET values to the exercise as I don't think the weight entered is effecting the results. It is a little cumbersome but not bad if you already like to keep track of sets/reps/weights of different exercises. I like that the calorie burn it comes up with is a little more specific than the exercise database. I logged a program I was doing a few times, this program included a mix of mobility work, light calistenics (like bird dogs, leg lifts),vigorous calisthenics and compount weight lifting moves. The calorie burn it credited was higher than if I chose "weight lifting, moderate effort" and lower than if I chose "weight lifting, vigorous effort". I think that seemed fair given the mix of intensities among the exercises. This is more if you make your own program or follow other programs and are just interested in a logging method.


Another option, if you want an app that generates a program for you (bodyweight exercises) and automatically logs it to Fitbit for you. You may like "Fitstar". It apparently adjusts to your fitness based on the feedback you give after each exercise and you can link it to fitbit so it automatically logs the workout for you. I am not sure what the calorie burn is based on though. There is a free version (that I tried) and a paid versiobn (haven't tried).

Sam | USA

Fitbit One, Macintosh, IOS

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