07-10-2014 20:27
07-10-2014 20:27
I'm doing my 4th half maraton in october (last one was over 2 years ago). I thought it would be fun to find other fitbit users who are also doing a race in October because I know now is when most start training. I live in Colorado and will be doing the Rock and Roll half with a goal time of 2.5 hours.
12-01-2014 19:55
12-01-2014 19:55
I did the Rock and Roll Half-Marathon on October 26 in Los Angeles -- my first one. Was anyone else in that one? What did you think?
12-01-2014 20:21
12-01-2014 20:21
12-01-2014 20:33
12-01-2014 20:33
Yes, the bands and cheer squads were great, the weather was perfect, I got to run with four of my buddies and everyone had a great time. I liked the tech shirts too.