01-09-2017 14:27
01-09-2017 14:27
Is this normal? My heart rate really differs. I take a beta blocker in the morning for anxiety but in the evening like tonight it's dropping to 58-62 I'm really overweight so not an athlete. Panicking slightly, looking for reassurance! Resting HR has been calculated at 70 today sometimes it's 65..... But sat here an the monitor is at 58-62.... It scares me!
01-09-2017 18:15
01-09-2017 18:15
First off, if you are really concerned then discuss it with your doctor, don't take our suggerstions as sound medical advice.
Not being a doctor and not knowing other details about your health status on the surface I would say I am not overly concerned. I am a relatively fit 50 year old male and my resting heart rate usually sits at about 52 - 55. Since December first my "resting" HR, as calulated by my fitbit, has varied from a high of 60 bpm to as low as 52. On most days if I sit quitely for 20 or more minutes I can usually get my HR down into the low 50s and have even seen it as low as 47 for a minute or so before going back up to 51-52.
I feel that the "resting" HR that fitbit comes up with is always a bit higher than it actually is, I think it averages in the HR it sees over your sleep and when you first wake up. My fitbit will usually calculate a resting heart rate for the day shortly after I wake up. If I move around more first thing in the morning rather than lounging in bed then I usually end up with a higher resting HR recorded for that day.
01-09-2017 19:19
01-09-2017 19:19
@Mrsgoz wrote:Is this normal? My heart rate really differs. I take a beta blocker in the morning for anxiety but in the evening like tonight it's dropping to 58-62 I'm really overweight so not an athlete. Panicking slightly, looking for reassurance! Resting HR has been calculated at 70 today sometimes it's 65..... But sat here an the monitor is at 58-62.... It scares me!
Therer are so many things that can affect your heart rate (including your fitbit malfuntioning). Best bet is to talk to your doctor and maybe have an EKG done.